~Chapter Thirteen~

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"Miss. Stewart, how did you know Dustin was there?" The officers voice started to seem impatient.

"I already said I didn't know he was there. I just went there because I couldn't sleep. That is where all of us hung out and it reminded me of Hannah and Louis."

That was my bullshit story I was pulling on the police. I could not tell them the killer broke into my house, has been texting me threats, and blacking mailing me.

"Ok, fine. This is over for now. If we need anymore answers we will be giving you a call."

I nod to the officer standing up, heading to the door leaving. Sitting down in a chair across the room was Lance. I look down seeing the handcuffs. I walk over to him, his head held down.

"Lance? I know you didn't do this to Dustin." I say, sitting down next to him. I reach over rubbing his arm.

"I need the police to think I didn't do it. And Dustin," His voice was so quiet. "How the hell did they get my blood?"

"I don't know. They did somehow," The sound of a door opens from behind, I look back seeing Dustin walk in with Melody. I quickly stand up from the chair, walking over to Dustin. "Hey Dustin," I glance over at Melody, smiling at her. "And Melody."

"She won't leave my side. Like she's my bodyguard." He chuckles looking over at Melody.

"You were kidnapped." Melody looks at Dustin then over at Lance as he watches her. I look back at Lance.

"You guys know I didn't do this, right?" Lance speaks up.

"I know-" Melody goes to speak before being cut off by Dustin.

"Then why was I at the spot all of hang out at or why your blood was there? Explain that?" Dustin says before the officer walks out of the room.

"Dustin Peterson may we talk?" The Officer looks at him. He nods walking ahead as Melody follows.

"Mel, I'll be fine alone. Just wait out here with Michelle." She stops as he walks in. She turns to Lance then looks at me.

"I believe Lance. Dustin just doesn't have any other leads so that's why he blames you." Melody speaks up walking over sitting down a seat away from Lance.

"I believe you too, Lance. All of this doesn't add up. You're left handed. If you were to throw a ball or even throw a punch it would be with your left hand." I say walking over and sitting down in between them.

"Well tell them that." Lance sits up a bit looking towards us.

"I did. And another thing that doesn't add up is the gun. Dustin knew the gun was there, he was so out of it but yet he still shot the person." I say looking down the hallway as police stare at us, talking about us.

Suddenly my phone begins to rings, I glance down at my phone seeing its my mom.

"Hey, I'll be right back." I stand up, walking down the hallway, answering the phone.

"Hey mom."

"You said you would be home at noon it's half past noon. Where are you?"

"Still at the station mom?"

"Right, listen just get home soon..."

Her voice starts to fade as I watch Melody and Lance down the hallway. Melody moved a seat closer to Lance. I could not hear their conversation but she placed her hand on his cuffed ones. I have never seen her smile like that before. She smiled so brightly.

Were they a thing kept secret from everyone? They could not be a couple? Melody loves her brother and would not go against what he says? Lance is known for dropping girls after getting into their pants.

"Michelle!? Did you hear what I said?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry mom. What's that?"

"Be home soon. Bye"


I hang up, looking back at Lance and Melody, as my jaw physically drops.

Her lips were placed against Lance's.

I begin to slowly walk over. What do I say? 'Hey I saw you guys kissing what's up?' No just walk over and be surprised.

Melody looks up at me, quickly standing up. She wipes her mouth.

"I have to go to the restroom." She quickly walks past me. I watch her walk over then I glance down at Lance.

"Do not tell Dustin. He will kill me-" He begins to plead to me before I cut him off.

"I know and I won't tell him. Unless you promise me you will soon. Keeping secrets from him will make him even more mad at you." I sit down next to him.

"I will tell him-"

"So how long have you two been ya know?" I look over at him.

"We've been talking for months but uh this secret thing has been going on for a month or so-"

The door opens as Dustin walks. He walks over, looking around.

"Where's Mel?"

"The bathroom, she's fine."

"Lance Aldrich?" The Officer speaks up holding the door open for him. He slowly stands up, walking into the room. The door closes behind his as Dustin sits down next to me.

"I don't believe him." Dustin says, grabbing ahold of my hand.

"Well I do. There is proof. He is left handed and the knife was in the right hand of the killer. So that must prove something." Suddenly, my phone rings as a text comes through, I glance down, from unknown, a picture is sent.

I click on it.

A blood bag is showed on a desk. On the bag has Lance Aldrich written on it as a hole is in through the middle. I look closer seeing the desk the bag was on.

The bag was on my desk.

A texts pop up.

'Better hurry home before the police get there with a search warrant'

I quickly glance up at Dustin.

"Go I'll be fine here, hurry. You'll be framed next." Dustin said I stood up jogging to the door. He finally believes Lance didn't do it. I look at Melody as she steps out of the bathroom. I turn going to the front door heading out to the car.


I pull onto my street seeing police cars outside my house. I quickly park the car, running inside.

"Hands up, Michell!" I quickly raise my hands, seeing my parents talking to police in the dinning room. My mom turns to me, as they begin to handcuff. She just stands there. Watching me.

I look over seeing the blood bag in an evidence bag.

"You are being arrested for the murders of Greg, Hannah, and Louis, the kidnapping of Dustin Peterson, and the framing of Lance Aldrich."

My heart stops and everything slows down.

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