Chapter One

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Somberpaw shuffled his grey paws as cats started protesting, hackles raised and fur on end could be seen throughout the clan cats. "But he's just an apprentice!" Cried an orange and red tom, his blue eyes blazing in fury. "He can't be a medicine cat! He hasn't even had any training!" Hopestar sighed, her eyes looking up at the starless night sky above them. "I know he is just an apprentice, but he is blind, and StarClan can teach him the ways of a medicine cat until he receives his full medicine cat name." Yowls of agreement and disagreement started to fill the air, fangs bared and fur pricked on end. Badgertail shot a friendly glance at Hopestar, his green eyes shone like the sparkling lake below the rock. Hopestar sighed, slowly shifting her gaze back to her clanmates as she gave a swift nod to Badgertail. "Meeting dismissed, please be wary everyone, and respect Somberpaw as your new medicine cat!" She lashed her tail, leaping onto the ground as cats shifted around to clear a path for Hopestar to walk on. She retreated to her den, a large cave incrusted into a rock with vines hanging down from the entrance, moss and leaves creating a warm nest for her to lie down in. Badgertail had jumped down as well, guiding Somberpaw carefully to the medicine den, which was a small cavern hidden in the shades and protection of ferns and tall grass. Once they entered, Somberpaw muttered something beneath his breath. Badgertail wrapped his fluffy tail around Somberpaw's back. "Don't stress yourself, StarClan and I will help you every step of the way to become a full medicine cat. You will follow in Creamfur's paw steps, and be the best medicine cat you can be."

Soon, dawn had crept its way over the trees, sending blinding light over the forest, making the lake shimmer. GreenLeaf was on its way. Somberpaw padded out of the medicine den, letting the warm sun rays shine onto his sleek black pelt. Rockpaw, a former clan apprentice, ran up to Somberpaw, urgency in his yellow clouded eyes. "Hurry! Snowwhisper's about to have her kits! Fetch Badgertail and your other herbs! Please come quick!" Somberpaw's heart seemed to sink at that moment. This was his first time delivering kittens, but he had to be brave, even if he was blind. He ran into the warrior's den, shaking Badgertail violently until his green eyes opened. Yawning, he questioned "Whats the matter Somberpaw?" Somberpaw shook, shaking his head, meeting Badgertail's warm gaze. "Your mate is having kits! Come quick!" 

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