Chapter Four

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The chilly wind of leaf bare blew across the clearing. The fluffy white snow blanketing the trees in a cold, but fleece like cover.

Suddenly, a loud grief striken mewl rang across the clearing, cats poking their heads out of dens to see what was particularly distressing this call.

Snowwhisper charged into the snow filled clearing, three little bundles of what appeared to be kittens hanging from her jaws. Her flanks heaved as she lied down on the cold ground, cats quickly surrounding her resting spot.

Hopestar padded swiftly out of her den to see what all the commotion was about.

"What are those Snowwhisper." She demanded, lashing her tail slowly once she had reached the she cat.

"I-I found three kittens all alone, freezing their pelts off in the snow. I-It seems like a rogue had just left them behind! A-A-And."

Her voice was caught off by a loud screech in the distance.

Cats started to panic, what was going on?

"I'll check out what the noise was. The rest of you help Snowwhisper to her den with the kittens, they must be freezing, and need warmth immediately." Without waiting for an answer, Hopestar strided off into the underbrush, her pale fur soon disappearing in leaf bare's bitter colors.

Badgertail leaped off of the high rock and rushed beside his mate, nuzzling her up and helping her to the nursery along with Swiftpaw and Rockpaw.

Snowwhisper had curled up into her nest, her eyes starting to close shut from tiredness, Badgertail at her side, keeping both her and the kittens warm.

"Should we name them? You found them." Said Badgertail, staring at the three bundles in awe.

"H-How about these two can be... be.." She hesitated, with a soft yawn she continued her naming process.

"This can be Harekit." She looked at a puny white and browned speckled tom.

"And this kit over here.." Her gaze flickered to a large for her size silver bengal she cat.

"Can be Silverkit."

Badgertail purred, looking at a third kitten snuggled up against Snowwhisper, shivering.

"This will be Snowkit. Named after you."

Snowkit was a small snowshoe tom, he quickly started to suckle on Snowwhisper.

"Once again... All lovely." Snowwhisper rasped, her eyes slowly closing shut as sleep drifted over her.

Badgertail stepped up, padding out into the clearing, only to see Hopestar dragging a furry body in her jaws into the heart of camp.

Grief started to cloud in Hopestar's eyes as she shuffled her paws, getting ready to speak.

After about ten intense seconds, she yowled. "Featherpaw is dead!"

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