Chapter Eight

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After crossing bumpy and steep terrain, Badgertail and Hopestar arrived at the moonstone. Laying down, Hopestar pressed her nose to the freezing crystal, releasing a shiver as she slumped down on the cave's ground. She could feel it's power pulsing through her as she began to close her eyes, seeing the last glimpse of Badgertail's tuxedo pelt as she drifted into the darkness of sleep.

"S-starClan?" Her meow echoed through blackness, dimmed and dusky stars being the only source of light. She shuffled her paws, glancing upwards as starry cats started padding towards her, their pelts gleaming with stars unlike any other, their blinding light shining the darkness into light. She was in StarClan's hunting grounds!

"Hello Hopestar," A familiar voice meowed. Hopestar turned to see it was Creamfur, and her apprentice, Troutpaw!

"Creamfur, Troutpaw!" She exclaimed, her eyes gleaming. "I've missed you two."

Creamfur dipped her head, her pale ginger fur seeming brighter than before, twinkling with stars.

"I hear the Clan is going well." She meowed, glancing at her apprentice, and then back at Hopestar. "What's the trouble?"

"Well." She began, sitting down and staring into Creamfur's sea blue eyes. "MarshClan has been acting strange ever since Archstar has become leader, and are threatening to attack!"

Troutpaw's dark tabby pelt ruffled uncomfortably, his deep blue eyes anxiously flickering to Creamfur, then to Hopestar. "Well, Hopestar." He meowed, his voice was deep and yet soothing, no longer squeaky like it once was when he died. "It seems like Archstar is troubling you, and we actually have came to tell you something of our own."

"What is it?" Hopestar asked, moving her icy gaze kindly to Troutpaw's.

"Beware of the jagged thorns and claws, and stay cautious of unknown territories leading into swallowing Darkness."

Hopestar flicked an ear, her tail tip twitching in confusion. "Beware the jagged thorns and claws? Unknown Darkness? What does that mean?"

Creamfur and Troutpaw said nothing, soon disappearing to the starry night.

"Wait! I have more questions!" Hopestar exclaimed, quickly getting to her paws and wailing quietly. But it was too late, Creamfur and Troutpaw had gone, leaving Hopestar in pitch Blackness.

Soon, Hopestar had woken up, eyes widened as she sprang to her paws. "We have to get back to camp." She announced.

"What? Why so soon?" Badgertail's mew was almost a shriek from the enclosed walls of the cave, and the scrambling of tiny creatures within.

"StarClan has told me something important. I must let Somberclaw know." She meowed, already making her way into the dim tunnel.

"Whatever you say." Badgertail meowed, following close behind as they ran through the tunnels.

Soon, cloudy moonlight bathed the tunnels as the two cats exited, their pelts as well shining in the bright night.

They started to make their way back to camp, fierce meowing, likely from chattering cats could be faintly heard. As they got closer across the rocky mountain, Hopestar sensed something was wrong. "We must hurry." She anxiously mewed, quickening her pace as Badgertail did the same.

Soon, screeches could be heard, Hopestar's breath and pace quickened more as she ran, Badgertail just behind as she halted in horror. She had figured out what the horrific noises were.

An invasion.

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