Chapter Three

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"Hey Seapaw! I bet you can't catch me!" Squealed Foxkit, his stubby short legs striding as he scampered across the clearing. It had been two moons since the arrival of Softstep's kits. Foxkit, Fernkit, Bluekit, Icekit, and Crowkit. "Oh please, I could catch you so easily!" Sneered Seapaw, striding after Foxkit. Suddenly, a loud noise crackled beyond the fern hidden entrance, Somberpaw swiftly ran in, his lungs screaming for air as he collapsed on the ground. Hopestar quickly rushed to his side, her eyes widened. "What happened Somberpaw?!" She froze, her gaze staring directly into his blinded one. "S-StarClan h-has given me my full m-medicine cat name." He stammered, struggling to get up. "I-I fell off of a large tree o-on the way back, but I can treat the s-scratches." Hopestar sighed, perking her ears up at a sudden loud CRASH. Foxkit had charged right into a thorn bush! Seapaw padded over, chuckling as Foxkit lowered his ears in embarrassment. "Ouch! These thorns hurt!" He winced, limping out. Somberpaw sighed, standing fully and padding over to Foxkit. "Come with me Foxkit..." Said Somberpaw, a hint of aggitation in his meow. Icekit padded out of the nursery, his blue eyes in slits. "Why do i have to have such a mouse-brained brother?"He muttered, obviously annoyed. Seapaw padded over to him and nuzzled him forward. "Now, now Icekit. Don't be such a fox-heart. Foxkit will eventually calm down, its not the worst thing in the world to have so many siblings." Icekit shuffled his paws in annoyance. "Yes it is.. Why can't I be like the elders without a care in the world to be bossed around by siblings or warriors?"

"Because the elders have already gone through what your saying is so painful that you need to move on." Seapaw smirked. Icekit flashed her a look, stomping back into the nursery, lying down beside his mother's warm pelt. Meanwhile, Littlepaw and Swiftpaw where battle training, their mentors, Voletooth and Birdcall, watching intently. Littlepaw strided around Swiftpaw, leaping onto her. Swiftpaw could feel paws battering her belly before she jumped to the side, unsheathing her claws. Voletooth chuckled a little as Swiftpaw leaped crookedly into a bush and Littlepaw stepped to the right. "No, no Swiftpaw, your supposed to have your spine in sync with your head, not flat like a dog!" Voletooth meowed, a hint of kindness in his tone. Swiftpaw shook her head, humiliated by the fact she was being beaten by just a six mooned apprentice. She padded out of the bush, ready to continue the fight until Bluekit barged from out of the ferns in between them, her eyes gleaming as her gaze looked up at Swiftpaw and Littlepaw. "Bluekit! Your not supposed to be in here!" Said Birdcall, surprised by her sudden entrance. "B-But I want to train with them! Pleaseeee" Begged Bluekit, shuffling her paws intently for an answer.  Swiftpaw shook her head once more, turning her own gaze to Bluekit's. "You can train with us in three moons Bluekit, we had to wait as long as you have to, so you shouldn't be grumpy."

"But why not now?" Bluekit's voice seemed to fill guilt into Swiftpaw, but she kept her gaze smoothly. "Because your not ready yet, your far too young." Voletooth padded over, gripping onto Bluekit's scruff, starting to pad back to the heart of the camp. "Hey!" Bluekit squirmed around, trying to loosen his grip, but it was no use, as she was far too small compared to the huge warrior. 

Later, in the medicine den, Somberpaw could sense a cat nearby. His blinded gaze winced as he realized Hopestar was now standing in front of him. 

"So, Somberpaw. I never got to ask.. What is your medicine cat name?"

"O-Oh, its.." Somberpaw shuffled his paws, looking up at the lynx point siamese. "Somberclaw."

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