How does it feel 69

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Book 5

Title: Korrasami 69 The Mothers

Fandom: Avatar: The Legend of Korra

Pairing: Korra / Asami Sato

Rating: PG

Notes: AND 20 years later....... I'm back. Sincere apologies for the long wait. Had a lot of life changes.


Two weeks had passed since the solstice. Since the day everyone in the world had fought for their very existence. The people who'd gone missing during the war suddenly turned up in their old neighborhoods with no memory of what had happened to them. Tenzin made a few statements on Korra's behalf so she and Asami could figure out what to do next. Everyone seemed desperate to bring a sense of normalcy back into their lives.

Everyone except a certain young airbending master.

Jinora found herself almost magnetically drawn to the spirit library.

She couldn't get her experience with the Mother of Faces out of her mind. And to think that there were 3 other Cosmic Mothers who were just as powerful as Koh's mother. It was a bone chilling thought. If the Mothers ever decided to turn against humanity, life would end in an instant. She was obsessed with finding out more about them.

The inquisitive airbender runs her hand along the west wall on the main floor of the spirit library. Her gaze is fixed on the massive mural of one of the Mothers. The creator's tree like hand held two spheres of light in its palm, one gold and one blue. "Air and water." Jinora says to herself as she takes a few steps away and looks to the southern mural. The Mother on that wall had a violet sphere in her hand. "Matter." Jinora furrows her brow then runs to the east wall. "Red and green. Fire and earth." Why hadn't she noticed the spheres before?

Just then a small knowledge seeker appears behind her and begins to pull at her sleeve. She looks down at him. The foxy creature begins to purr softly. Twelve more knowledge seekers appear and begin making their way up to the ceiling. Jinora had become accustomed to the way the mystical mammals communicated with her from her previous experiences with them. She follows their movements. They head toward the center of the ceiling. The airbender's brown eyes widen as the murals shift and move. Streaks of dazzling silver light start to take shape around the image of the waterless earth above her head.

A few moments later Jinora hears a loud deep clank. It sounded as if something had been unlocked. The knowledge seekers suddenly run in a straight line toward the north wall. Jinora follows them. This Cosmic Mother mural had a white light in her hand. "Spirit." Jinora whispers. She finds a door that hadn't been there before. The almost metallic silver light seeps from the top of the door and continues to make its way to the image of the earth on the ceiling.

A low humming sound can be heard the closer Jinora gets to the door. Her eyebrows raise when she notices that the humming reminded her of the OM sound they were taught to make during meditations. Only this OM seemed to be never ending.

She swallows hard, takes a deep breath, and reaches for the latch on the door. The instant she touches it sparks begin to fly behind her eyes as her body lights up with beatific vibrations from head to toe. She gasps as ecstatic tears spontaneously stream down her cheeks. "T-this...this is....cosmic..." She thinks to herself. It was the only thing that could possibility compare to what she was experiencing. It felt as if she were the sun, moon, and stars rolled into one. Held securely in the sky shining their unconditional light down onto their world.

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