Chapter 1

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*on the night of 31st October 1981*

James and Lily Potter were sitting in the living room with their 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son. To them, this was a perfect moment, until an owl came in and dropped a letter. It was quite a familiar owl; brown feathered with yellow eyes and had the Malfoy crest around its neck. James took the letter and read it. He immediately froze after reading the letter. Lucius and Narcissa had informed him that Voldemort was on his way to kill their son.

James turned to Lily. "Lily take them and go! Voldemort, he is coming" He said strictly. On cue, the door blasted open and Lily bolted upstairs. She put Harry in his crib and hid Narcissa in the closet. She heard his voice, reciting the killing curse and immediately after she heard her husband drop dead on the ground.

Voldemort came upstairs an opened the door. "Not Harry, please no" Lily begged. "Stand aside, silly girl!" Voldemort warned. "Please no! Kill me instead!" "This is your last warning. Stand aside!"Voldemort warned Lily again. "Please! Not Harry!" Lily sobbed. "AVADA KEDAVRA!!" Voldemort shouted and Lily's lifeless body dropped to the ground. Voldemort hovered over Harry and shouted the killing curse. Narcissa thought that her brother was dead. As soon as Voldemort left, Narcissa rushed over to her brother's side and was astonished to see that he was still alive. She knew not to cry over her parents' dead bodies as it would not bring them back. Both her parents loved her a lot but because of Harry's prophecy about killing Voldemort, he received extra care. Molly, her godmother, was always busy with her own children. Only Narcissa and Lucius continued to love her the same way they did.

Now you might be wondering how the Malfoy's, Black's and Potter's became good friends.

It all started during the Malfoy-Black wedding. It was a rule to invite all pure bloods from all the houses and thus the Potter's were invited too. During the wedding, Lucius and James started a conversation and found out that they had many common interests. From that day onwards, the boys met each other almost every day. They introduced their wives to one another and both the women got along amazingly well. They were like sisters, a pureblood and a muggleborn, A Black and An Evans, A Malfoy and a Potter! When James and Lily had their first daughter, they named her Narcissa Lily Potter. Narcissa was overwhelmed! The Potter's made Narcissa and Molly Weasley the godmothers of Cissa. As Cissa grew her bond with Lucius and Narcissa grew stronger. She bonded with Lucius over Quidditch and with Cissa over clothes! She considered them as her 2nd parents.

    Aftera couple minutes, Narcissa and Lucius appeared in their living room. Narcissastarted sobbing furiously after seeing James lying dead. Lucius, who never showedany emotion, shed a couple of tears for his best friend, his brother. Theythought about the Narcissa. The poor girl had to watch her parents die! Theyran upstairs. They imagined Cissa crying her eyes out for her parents. But theywere quite surprised to see her standing there with a bag full of clothes. Shetold them that there is no use crying over something they could not bring back.Lucius decided to take the little girl back home. Narcissa immediately agreedto that. Lucius picked the girl in his arms and Narcissa levitated her bag. Fora three year old Cissa was quite mature and understanding. On their way back,they saw Dumbledore enter the house. Without asking for an explanation, he said"take her and raise her as your own. Change her appearance. She is extremelypowerful. Take good care of her.""Buw wat abouv Harry?" the girl asked. "harrywill be with your cousin and aunt, Narcissa. When time come, you will meet him."Dumbledore explained. Cissa nodded her head and yawned. "come on, darling. Let'stake you home." Narcissa said. They Malfoy's apparated over to their Manor.They asked their parents, Druella And Cygnus Black, Anita and Abraxas Malfoy,along with Bellatrix and Rudolphus to come to the manor immediately They waited patiently till all came. At first, when they saw the baby, they all had complete different reactions. Druella, Bellatrix and Rudolphus shrieked while Anita, Cygnus and Abraxas looked in wonder at the tiny infant.

"Everyone this is Narcissa Lily Potter."

"Why is a filthy half breed here?"Screamed Druella.

"Quiet! Druella. The girl might get scared!" Cygnus hissed.

"Care to tell me what she is doing here?'' Bellatrix spat.

Before either of the two Malfoy's spoke, the girl quietly spoke "May I pwease answer the question?"

Anita, Cygnus and Abraxas looked quite pleased by the girl's manners. They nodded their head. Narcissa Lily recited the whole story to them.

"now tell me girl, did you cry after seeing your parents dead?"questioned Druella. Everyone except baby Cissa winced at the harsh words she used.

"No, ma'am. I have never cwied, not even when I fell of my bwoom. I believe that I must not cwy over things we can't change.I cant bring them back fwom the dead." Answered Cissa.

Druella seemed pleased. "don't call me ma'am darling. I am your grandmother now."

Everyone except Bellatrix cheered. Bella asked Rudolphus to go and insult Narcissa and Lucius in front of the little girl. Rudolphus agreed and started taunting them. The elders understood Bella's plan and stayed out of it. But soon it was quite insulting. Abraxas reached for his wand but before he could use a spell little Narcissa screamed and Rudolphus went flying backwards and into the wall. Bellatrix started laughing and went over to the girl. "excellent work, Narcissa dear. Go ahead and decide what you want to call me."

"aunt Trixie!"

"aunt trixie it is then!"   

"we quickly have to change her appearance. Dumbledore said that she is quite powerful. we must raise her as a Malfoy. We'll not erase her memory though." Lucius stated.

Anita used a spell to change Cissa's black hair to platinum blonde, her hazel eyes to a grayish blue and her complexion to a pale one.

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