Chapter 6

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We're going back to Hogwarts and I get to meet my favourite twins! And sisters! Though I met Daph and Toria this summer break, I am very much excited to meet them. And especially Fred and George!! Because of the two different families, I couldn't meet them. It's not that mum or dad do not allow me to meet them but I can sense their uneasiness around each other. As you can see my family is very protective over me. But let's just leave that.
Today I woke up by 6. Mother and father were quite surprised because I sleep till late and I don't wake up. Even if you will hit a pan repeatedly on my face I won't budge! Nothing can replace my love for sleep! So after waking up, I quickly showered and dressed up and put some light makeup. Dobby, our house elf took my bags downstairs. I then walked down and waited for my family in the dining room. After they came, we started eating and spoke a bit. Speaking- the usual: about the political status of the wizarding world, about how dumbledore is too old, how Quidditch is going on etc. Etc.
Btw, speaking of Quidditch, my mother looked over at me and said" Cissa are you going to..." Before she could complete, I replied " Yes maman, I am going to try out again this year. " " isn't Glint your captain?" Asked dad. " yes papa. And I find him obnoxiously annoying. I mean, he thinks he can boss around, acts like he knows every single thing in the world, he doesn't even know a thing about quidditch! for melin's sake, I usually take all the team practices and I taught him how to play quidditch! Slytherin is winning because of me! And he is acting as if he is superior to me!!!........." the other three members of the Malfoy family looked at each other nervously. It was quite known from the time Narcissa went to that school, she has hated Marcus Flint and vice versa. Narcissa became the first girl on the slytherin Quidditch team and also she is the youngest chasers of all times. her knack of Quidditch had definitely come from her deceased father James Potter. But, the family never quite says the Potters' names. Maybe beacause it brings guilt to Narcissa and Lucius, that they could not save their friends, maybe because Cissa doesn't want to do anything related to their family. She did not hate them, God no! Hate was a strong word. She merely disliked the fact that her parents were dead because a Dark Wizard wanted to kill their younger son. It was quite obvious that James and Lily favoured Harry. James had always wanted a son. And because Harry was the one to defeat the Dark Lord, Lily showed him more love. The ones who actually loved her like their own child were Narcissa and Lucius. Merlin!  She even made Bellatrix like her! She was also loved a lot by Arthur And Molly Weasley. Only the Malfoys, Molly and Arthur and Fred, George, Daph and Astoria knew about her disguise.

Once she calmed down, Cissa apologized for her behavior. But the family brushed it away. they then went to the family room and decided to apparate to Hogwarts.

'this is it' Narcissa thought.' the one chance to prove that I can take care of my brothers, both of them equally. the one chance to prove myself worthy in Quidditch. The one chance to maintain my friendship with all my friends. The one chance to remain as the top of my year. A lot of stress on a thirteen year old. But I have gotten used to it.'

The feeling of apparition was not new for Cissa. She was used to travelling that way but,for  Draco it was a new feeling. And that feeling wasn't a nice one too. After arriving at the train station he immediately puked. And where?On father's shoes! Oh Merlin! Father was furious. It was a sight to see! Okay, yes. I love Draco, but the prankster side of me could not control it. I burst out in a fit of giggles and Draco glared at me. Though, mother managed to calm father down. We exchanged our goodbyes and gave each other a hug and finally, I stepped on the train. Draco went to sit with Crabbe And Goyle while I went searching for Fred and George.

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