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I knocked on the door. I felt like I was going to faint. No, I knew I was going to faint. I had always known that I was a Potter. But I was also a Malfoy, wasn't I? My family was doing this to keep me safe. But, they were putting themselves in danger. Draco was going to become a death eater. Just to keep me safe...

Why? Wasn't Harry supposed to defeat the dark lord? What role would I play? Speaking of Harry, I need to tell him the truth, and the rest of the weasley's too. Except Fred and George. Molly and Arthur don't know about me being a Potter. Guess, everyone will be shocked today. As I was thinking, someone opened the door. I hadn't noticed it till now, but I felt like I would faint. And that's what happened. Black spots clouded my vision and I fell down. But instead of hitting the ground, Someone caught me and I heard a faint voice shouting something...

george's P.O.V.

There on our door was a girl who looked as if she would faint immediately. I could not recognize her. She started to fall down. That's when I saw her scar on her collar bone. It was Narcissa. I caught her and shouted,"Narcissa!" 

I called mum and my family as I laid her down on the couch. She looked so different. But She still looked beautiful as ever. Her blackish- brown hair cascading down her shoulders, her appearance changed slightly, she became taller, not a lot but enough. I had always loved her, since the first time I saw her. I didn't care if she was a Malfoy. I loved her. I sound quite cheesy but yeah... And when she told me that she was a Potter, I did not know how to react. Happy that she was safe, sad that she lost her family, angry that she did not tell us earlier? Well she told that to us in 2nd year but... 

Now that she was sleeping, she looked so beautiful. Even Aphrodite would herself be jealous of Cissy. Mum came running down asking who she was. 

"Mum, could you please heal her first! She fainted on our doorsteps!" I didn't know if I should tell her who Cissy was. Fred already knew it was her, I saw it in his eyes. I guess I'll let Cissy tell everyone when she wakes up.

"Alright Fred," "George, mum" "yes George, I'll heal her. She's not quite hurt. Good thing she did not fall hard."

Mom gave her some disgusting looking vomit coloured potion to drink. I doubt it would work. I mean look at that smelly stuff! Hope it works.

And okay.. maybe it did. Cissy started coughing. And soon everyone crowded around her as if they just saw a dragon puffing out rainbows and glitter. I mean, I love my family and all, but seriously? YOU ARE SCARING SOMEONE HERE! 

As soon as Cissa woke up and saw our faces, she immediately started explaining.

Narcissa p.o.v.

I knew that I had to get this over with. 

"well, I am Narcissa Lily Malfoy, well now Potter as you can see. I know it sounds weird but, The Malfoy's adopted me and changed my appearance to look like them. If Voldemort knew that I was alive, he would have killed me. I know you guys won't believe me..." I sighed.

"Actually, we believe you. I knew about you Cissa, but me and Arthur thought that you were dead. There were no traces of you being alive and we thought that it was just a plan that you were named just as the Potter's daughter because of how close Lily, James, Narcissa and Lucius were. I just can't believe it. You are alive!" Mrs. Weasley cried.

"Wait what, I have a sister!" Harry screamed.

"He has a sister!"Ron Hermione and all shouted.

"yes, Harry, And all, I am your Sister. I am sorry that I couldn't tell you but it was for your own safety. The dark lord could easily have captured me and bribed you. It was best that  you didn't know. Har-bear I love you, okay? I am sorry that Dumbledore kept you with our horrible uncle and aunt. I asked him If you could stay with us, but knowing your history with Draco, I knew he wouldn't allow. It's good that you are staying here. Anyway... Why was I changed now? The dark lord is rising, Harry. The Malfoy family except me and Draco are all death eaters. Voldemort might force them to do anything. They had to reveal me to protect me because with you and the Weasley's they knew that I will always be safe. Harry, please forgive me!" I cried. (pic above) 

"of course..I will. You are my sister. Who cares if I haven't known you for 11 years.. Well I do.. but Whatever. At least I found you now. Plus I know I said 11 years because from the time I came to Hogwarts you have always guided me lils. I love you" After saying this, he hugged me. I cried harder.

Ron and Hermione were gaping at us like I just broke out of azkaban. George was looking at me with an expression of awe, happiness, sadness and... I don't know, Love? No it can't be. I quickly turned away. Fred grinned at me and gave me a thumbs up. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy were crying.

"Well, I guess the prophesy is true then." Charlie said. He was home for the holidays ( pretend he was) 

"What prophesy?" we all exclaimed....

Narcissa Lily MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now