chapter five

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If I could choose between being cold and sad, I'd pick cold. I should have known better than to trust Harry to not pull something stupid like this...but then again, I didn't think he would.

Why kidnap me? What makes me important?

The door from where I was kept opened, and Harry walks in with a grin.


"Don't call me that." I bite. "Let me go."

He crouches down to match my eye level. "Now, why would I do that? You're precious cargo, princess."

I wrap my arms around myself to hold off the cold. "Why am I even here, anyway? What do you want from me?"

He looks down. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." Harry clears his throat. "Uma's at her mother's restaurant. I can take you somewhere to find a fresh set of clothes."

"Why does that matter?" I argue. "Too embarrassed to be seen with your precious cargo, pirate?"

"I'm trying to help you here, princess. Now you can sit there and complain like a spoiled brat or come with me to Dizzy's."

I could escape, is basically what he's saying. I have no idea where I am, though I am hoping to find a kind enough soul to help.

He reaches his hand out to help me to my feet. I gather enough strength to step on his foot and make a run for it through the door. Dark light blinds me as seagulls can be heard from afar. Oh my goodness, does it REEK here!

The Isle of the Lost...he brought me to his island.

"Get back here!" He yells from behind. I make a run for it through the street, running through misty smoke and into a nearby alleyway.

I don't make it very far down the alley before Harry grabs my arm and pulls it back, nearly pulling from the socket. He pushes me against the closest wall and wraps a hand around my throat.

"Nice try, Flower." He growls. "Uma owns you now, which means so do I."

Tears form in my eyes. "I just want to go home." I cry.

Harry's hand around my throat tightens. "Not until Uma gets what she wants." He uses his fake hook to play with my hair. "Is it true what they say about your hair? That it can heal the sick?"

"No." I tell him. "That's just a stupid rumor." Everyone thinks since my mother had magical hair that I would too. A fairytale, that was.

He sighs. "Shame...would have made a lot of money."

"Is that why you kidnapped me?" I cough. "Because you thought I had magic hair?"

He shakes his head. "That was just ransom. Uma has bigger fish to fry." He leans over me, those ocean blue eyes I once adored now dark and evil. "More for me, I guess."

I want to cry more, but then that would make me look so vulnerable that it would be easy for him to fight me more. "Please Harry...just let me go home."

He chuckles darkly. "I like watching you beg, princess."

"You're sick." I bite.

"And you're stuck." He argues. "Don't argue with a pirate, Flower. You won't like how that story ends."

I choke. "And how does it end, Hook?"

He closes the space that remains between us when he kisses me. It's harsh and hungry, desperately clawing for more. Nothing like I'd imagine my first kiss to be. I try to fight him, but each time I do he just holds onto me tighter until the air is no longer in my lungs and the blood to my brain is gone. He pushes me deeper into the wall as if he's searching for more of my soul to steal.

When he releases me, I inhale so deeply as if I've never breathe again. His chest rises and falls heavily with each breath. I should take this as an opportunity to run...but my feet feel glued to the stone floor beneath me.

"It ends..." he breathes. "With you being mine."


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