Chapter 6: Wonder

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Alone~ 6

Warning: I know this is a fanfic. Claire will go through getting hurt or threatened and I don't want to upset anyone. Remember you are beautiful and strong. If you ever need anything or want to talk I'm here . I'll try to put a warning for these chapters.

Claire Johnson

The car ride back to the house at first was silent for me and I thought about the many possibilities when Jack found out about me hanging with his friends. I did not think of when I'd come back to the house and he would be seeing those posts at some point. Would it be okay for me to hangout with some of his friends or would he give me a hard time about it? I did not think this through. I worried and had this feeling he wouldn't be happy with me being with them. Neither of them would be happy actually. In a way I thought about how he'd tell me to stay away from them. It pained me that Jack would ever tell me to stay away from other people when they have been so kind and caring towards me. I never had that back home. Friends. No one knew the tension between my cousin, G and I. Sam was the only one who knew, because he was also good friends with G and my cousin.

Sam never liked the way they have treated me and we were friends then before everything had happened. We weren't really close, but Sam always kept me company when G would ask my cousin to do something else that wouldn't involve me. Sam knew how much G tried to exclude me when it came to hanging out. He was always friendly and gave me small gestures to let me know that I had always had him to talk to when I was here.

Suddenly, a familiar tune came on and I turned towards the radio as the instrumental part of the intro began. It was a song I had not heard in awhile. My aunt noticed me looking at the stereo and reached forward to turn the volume up a little. I then let my head lean against the cushion and began to sang softly.

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are"

The lyrics came to me and I closed my eyes as I continued to sing the first verse. I had always been the type of person to sing slow, meaningful songs that were sad. I let myself slowly let myself get into it and looked out the window.

"I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart"

I've always found this particular song one of my favorites to sing along to. I wasn't sure why, but it was something with my heart telling me that I could relate in a way.The words flowing through and my heart beating fast whenever I got into the music. I stopped singing and I knew my aunt glanced my way.

"Your voice is so lovely dear," my aunt said. "Why did you stop?" Slowly, I wrapped my arms around myself.

"It reminds me of them," I spoke lightly and let out a sigh. I felt a pat to my shoulder and I looked over to see my aunt giving me a look of sympathy. I haven't performed or sang since before the day of the performance I had in music class. My nightmare would occur quite often and it had an effect on me. Thinking back to the time it happened made my heart ache and my throat to close slightly. I had better control now, but it didn't mean I didn't miss them. I could still remember everything so vividly.

"I know how much you miss them. Your mother is a very strong woman. She'll make it through this." I knew this wasn't a great topic to talk about with her. We both lost family that day and hoped the other will survive this.

"And what if she doesn't wake up? I wish they hadn't gone into work that day."

"Claire..." my aunt sighed. "I know this is tough. I am very happy for you when you decided to try and let yourself face the world again. It makes me happy that you're here now and that you've decided to continue with school and everything. I lost my younger brother, your father in the incident. I miss him greatly and I hope your mother will survive this."

Alone •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now