2018 Authors Note

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Welcome everyone!

Can you guess what today is? (June 26,2018) Today marks 4 years since the release of Shawn's first single Life Of The Party! This also means this story is just a little over 4 years old and I can't tell you how thankful I am to have you guys apart of this journey <3

I first would like to say thank you for giving Alone a chance. Whether you're reading this for the first time or you've been here since the first edition of Alone was written in 2014, I still love you. I love each and one of you guys for deciding to click that button and opening the story!

I continue to be amazed how far Alone has gone in the 4 years it has been out. There's now over 2 million views and I'm still finding it hard to believe we reached a million just not so long ago. Thank you guys really for reading, voting, and commenting! I love your comments and I smile with most of the things you guys say. I may not be on here to read every comment, but I want to say that you're amazing.

Yes, I wanted to let you know as of right now once your library has been updated, Alone has been revised to a 2018 version. I PROMISE YOU'LL FIND MOST OF YOUR FAVORITE SCENES. Okay, except for maybe 2. I can tell you that I have fixed many things and what might have I added in this new version you ask?

Jacob whitesides an important character

New scenes!

Longer chapters

More of Shawn of course

Plot fixes (hopefully)

This is only some of the few things to this version and I want to say how excited I am for you to start reading! So... with this being said, I hope you enjoy and don't be afraid to tell me what you guys think 💞 Oh and enjoy those authors notes of the younger me throughout the story (:


Alone •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now