Chapter 9: Talents

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Alone ~9

Claire Johnson

The throbbing pain continued as I sat on the ground where he had left me to whimper in pain alone. My eyes continued to squeeze shut from the amount of pain I felt to my shins. I used my palm to wipe away the few tears as I tried to wait out the pain.

Two days in a row that he made physical contact. I couldn't believe he was capable of being okay to doing this to me. Does my cousin know about this? Would anyone believe me if I told them what G had done to me? I had to make sure to tell someone. This couldn't continue to happen throughout the trip with me staying here in fear. I wanted to get away, to try, and forget pain.

A part of me always feared him and I'm too scared to tell someone. What were his intentions?

After what seemed like a long period of time. The pain eased slightly and so I opened my eyes. Blinking, I looked around the living room. I slowly stood with the pain throbbing when I accidentally put pressure on the leg. I bit my cheek from the aching pain tha I quickly put all the weight on my other leg leaning one way. I started hopping my way over to the kitchen and went for the freezer.

My hand reached for the door and I opened it to find nothing. I sighed forgetting to start the ice maker. I looked around the kitchen and came to realization that I don't have anything to eat here either. Knowing I haven't eaten breakfast since earlier this morning, I should eat something soon. Am I supposed to contact the person in charge of the event or do I ask Jack? I'm sure he'd make me pay for my own food if I went to him. I quickly start the ice maker and closed the door.

I hopped onto the counter with my good leg and sat here patiently waiting for some ice to be made. I wonder what I should get to eat or how to contact the guy in charge of this event. I never met the person. To pass a bit of time, I took my phone out wondering what my instagram and Twitter was like. I went onto Instagram first since I had a better understanding of it. I went onto my profile and clicked on the only picture I had on there so far. My eyes widen at the amount of likes and comments that were now present. The comments showing caught my eye and I smiled faintly.

Jacobshitesides Claire's prettier than all of you

ShawnMendes This is beautiful ❤️

Shawn was the one who waved to me before the elevator closed. I couldn't help, but smile at his name. I clicked onto his username and the app took me to his profile. I scrolled through his pictures and liking them at the same time. I also watched the videos he posted and instantly fell in love with his voice. He sounded amazing and he seemed so talented.

Some of the pictures I liked would be with his friends and family. It seemed like he really liked spending time with them and he seemed really into music. I wonder if it was something he'd like to do professionally as his career. I knew what it was like to want to do music as your profession.

A part of me wanted to pursue that career while the other is to do something else that I was really interested in. I've always wanted to become a pharmacist. I could imagine myself being called Doctor Johnson. The thought of wanting to become a doctor in something had always been an interest aside from music. It was a reason why I've tried so hard in school and had been pushed hard to do well.

It now worried me thinking of the few schools I've already applied to I would be hearing from them soon. It stressed me out to wait and figure out where I would be accepted, waitlisted, or declined. It worried me a lot since I had not applied to that many. Also it made sense in a way why I was stressed so much since the schools I applied to are difficult to get into. They were very difficult to get into. The thought of all of this stressed me out. All of those schools had to do with pharmacy school. It made me think I was not ready for the professional program quite yet. I may not be the strongest in every science and math course, but I did hope to someday to come to perfections with most of them. Music would be either my major if pharmacy wasn't for me or I'd try and minor in it. I came here to get away from that for now. Let's focus on the music.

Alone •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now