Chapter 13: Duet

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Alone ~13

Claire Johnson

Earlier after breakfast Shawn offered to walk me back to my room so I could get my shoes and he helped me clean up the music I had spread around the living room. Shawn and I had the same thought of keeping our practice area clean. The both of us then left my room to meet everyone in the lobby. It wasn't long after until the vehicles arrived for us and we piled in. When we arrived at the venue, there was quite a crowd. Everyone was dropped off at the back entrance and I let everyone do what they had to do to get ready for the day. It was Shawn and Jacob who had me hang with them. I enjoyed watching them warm up. They didn't seem to mind that I was around and I liked being with them.

Once it was time for warm ups, I had decided to leave the room to let Mahogany and the boys have their space as I did not want to feel as if I was intruding the meet and greet. I wouldn't know what I would have done and said if I was there. I walked around the building for a bit before returning. When I returned, I took a seat from the side view of the stage and remained hidden as I noticed everyone was entering the room. There seemed to be a lot of people in the room. I now sat backstage waiting for the end. Without paying too much attention, Shawn came walking over to me and pulled me onto my feet. He pulled me onto stage making me feel nervous.

What was he up to?

"I'd like you to officially meet Claire Johnson, Jack Johnson's cousin!" All of the girls in the crowd were screaming. I nervously looked around the room to see many excited girls and to see a few guys out there. I felt my cheeks warming up and looked at everyone on stage also. Mahogany and the guys, besides Jack and G, did not mind that I was here.



There were so many positive comments. I really liked how the crowd were saying nice things to me even though they do not know me yet. Their positivity gave me this feeling that I've been needing lately. I smiled down at them. My eyes scanned through the crowd and you could see many friendly faces and they were being very welcoming.

"I actually would like Claire to sing a song with me. I hope that is okay?" Shawn asked into the mic smiling. My eyes widened and I turned to Shawn. He did not mention this to me earlier. I haven't warmed up and I haven't sang in front of a large crowd bigger than two since I had found out of the news. This only made me slightly uneased and caught off guard, because everyone was cheering for me to sing with him. The thought of my performance right before I found out played through my mind.

My hands were trembling nervously as I held the music sheets in my hand. I had just a few minutes to myself before I had to start making my way to last class of the day; music theory. This was the big day I would play one of my audition pieces in front of my classmates. It would also be the first time I would be performing it in front of anyone besides my private teacher.

The searching process of finding the perfect piece took place for a few weeks. I took a week to go over the piece to familiarize myself with the french text and the notes. It was important for me to have a great understanding and connection with the song. Every solo performance had great meaning to me. After a week, I'd work in sections with my private teacher for a few months. This piece was my audition piece to the schools I have applied to. The crazy thought of graduating a year early gave me a shivering thought. I was also very thrilled to know I would be leaving, because I felt there was more out in the world for me. High school for me was not the experience I had wanted and I wanted to start over with a fresh start. I wanted to do something I love while becoming more social. I didn't have that here.

The First bell rang indicating that seventh period was over and doors flew open as students flooded the halls. I closed my locker and sighed making my way towards the first floor where the music hall would be. I kept my eyes averted to the ground as I tried my best to avoid the cliqued groups, who always gave me a hard time. Shoulders would brush me as I tried to follow the flow of the students to the stairs.

Alone •Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now