Chapter 8: Introductions

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Claire Johnson

The plane ride to Orlando seemed a little lengthy since I had just been on a plane yesterday. These past two days consisted of me doing quite a bit of traveling. I'm glad that I wouldn't be doing anymore lengthy travels for a little while.


On the way to the hotel, Nash had tried to tell me everyone who would be here. He would show me a few pictures, but it was confusing with names and it seemed like a lot of names to remember. Over time I hoped to remember each of their names and maybe hangout with them a little when Jack or G weren't around. It would take time and I hoped everyone was nice. I have never been the type to make friends so easily and I've always kept to myself.

The van that picked us up from the airport was suddenly parking and I looked away from Nash's phone and out the window. I saw the big hotel or resort you could say as we had been brought to the front of the building. On the left side you could see the parking lot filled with cars. The van door opened the everyone started to pile out. I looked around and thought how this resort seemed very nice.The six of us walked into the building that we would be staying at. Once we were inside, I noticed a group of people who I assumed were the Magcon crew. I felt myself being left behind at first as hugs were being exchanged.

While the guys were doing their thing, a girl with red, curly hair looked up and noticed me. She sashayed over with a friendly smile.

"Hi I'm Mahogany," she greeted and hugs me. I hug back with a small smile. She seemed really friendly . "You can call me Lox and you must be Johnson's cousin!"

"It's nice to meet you too," I smiled at her. She was so pretty and I couldn't begin how to describe her hair. "Your hair," I said in awe. She laughed lightly when I noticed two other guys making their way over to us. One was wearing a bandana and the other one was wearing a shirt that had to do with music.

I laughed at him understanding his shirt and he looked down before looking at me again. I'm guessing he was some sort of musician.

"It's a yam session!" I beamed and he chuckled.
I really liked his semi curly brown hair and his smile.

"We have another musician here," he smiled and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes."

"... And I'm Taylor Caniff," the other guy said with the bandana on his head. "I'm the wild and loud one of the group."

"Hi," I started off shyly, "I'm Claire," I pointed to Jack. "I'm Jack's cousin." They both laughed lightly nodding.

"We know who you are." Taylor shook my hand, giving me chills that went up my arm. His hands were cold. "We've seen ya on Carters Vine from yesterday. Hey Jacob!" He called out and I saw one of the other guys looking over. The Jacob guy I think made his way over here and he looked at Taylor before looking at me.

"Hey, I'm Jacob," He smiled introducing himself. "You must be Claire."

"I am," I smile lightly. He looked closely at me and his smile widened.

"Two instruments? I'm guessing we have another musician here Shawn?" I assumed the two were both pretty close friends.

"Yes we do," Shawn said smiling at me. "Guitar and... cello?"

"Yes. Do you guys play any instruments?"

"Guitar and piano," Jacob raised his hand.

"Same," Shawn nodded. "I think we must come to your suite and hear you play sometime." I'm sure they were way better at playing the guitar than I am.

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