Chapter 4

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Adding the author's note in the beginning just to tell you all that if a chapter is in italics then it's the story from 6 years ago and if it's normal it's the present.

Enjoy reading!

-chubbyeol_jones' beta/editor


Baekhyun’s POV

Suddenly being woken up with a bucket of ice cold water for 7 days straight is not something I can get used to. I don’t think anyone can.

I glared at the tall blond male who had woken me up and he innocently smiled at me like he didn’t do anything wrong.

It had been the same for 7 days now. They would torture me until I pass out and wake me up to the same routine.

“Rise and shine sweetheart. You have a visitor” he said and soon the door opened revealing the man I had last seen on the first day I was here.

He was dressed in an all-black suit and carried an aura of dominance.

Just by looking at his ice cold blue eyes you could tell that he was a very dangerous man.

He sat right in front of me and took the time to look me up and down.

“Excuse us” his deep dominant voice boomed in the room and everyone immediately walked out.

His voice gave me chills and not in a good way.

“Have you considered my proposition?” he asked me with a smirk pasted on his face.

That was the only thing I could think of all week.

I still didn’t know who this man was but one thing for sure was that he hated my father with a passion.

The man I had assassinated was under him and he didn’t appreciate my father killing his men.

So it made sense that he would take the son of the man he hated as an act of revenge but what confused me was his request.

I would expect him to torture me. Sending my body parts to my father before finally killing me as revenge but then he asked me to marry him instead, which was just plain crazy.

This had nothing to do with the fact that he was a man.

Under different circumstances I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with this man. He was the most handsome and mysterious man I had ever met and just looking at him conjured crazy ideas in my mind.
“Why me? I’m not the heir of the Byun Family. Wouldn’t this have more of an effect if you took my older brother?” I asked the question that bothered me the past days.

“Because you’re Byun Baekhyun. The youngest son but also a very important asset to your father. You’re a tool that brings him in a lot of money and the best at what you do. I could take your brother and kill him…but what’s the fun in that? When I can have you by my side. Imagine how your father would feel when he finds out that you are mine. Not only my personal assassin but also my whore who is under me every night” he said with a deep chuckle.

“He will kill you” I said. This man was insane.

“He can try” he said with his signature smirk that was definitely doing damage to my insides.

Damn it. Why didn’t I find this man so damn appealing?

“You’re insane” I said shaking my head.

“So what do you say Baekhyun. Will you marry me?” He asked again but I still wasn’t sure about this.

“And why would I do that?” I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

His deep voice boomed with laughter for a few seconds before he looked back at me with a dangerous sharp look in his eyes.

He then pulled out a knife and before I could ask what he was doing he cut off the ropes on my legs before he stood up and cut off the ropes around my wrists.

It felt so good to be set free.

“You should know that I’m a very impatient man Baekhyun. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice” he said and I turned to face him and he gave me a serious look.

“Just kill me then because…” but before I could finish my statement he grabbed me by the throat before slamming my back hard against the wall.

I struggled to catch my breath as he tightened his hold around my throat. I tried to get him loose but he was too strong.

“You seem to have underestimated me Baekhyun. I always get what I want. You seem not to care about your own life but let’s see how you feel about your family. You know Jackson and Mark right?” he said but didn’t loosen his hold around my throat so I could respond.

I knew the two very well. They were a couple as well as my older brother’s best friends and Jackson was his right hand man.

“You should know that Jackson was raised by the Wu’s who are very good friends of mine and Mark was raised by my family” he said shocking me. The Wu’s were one of the most powerful families in China and had recently merged with the Parks who were one of the leading families in Korea.

“I have many similar people spread out in your family Baekhyun. I know where your father is right now, what he is doing and who he is with. All I need to do is make one call and he will be dead within 10 minutes. Now be a good boy and cooperate with me” He said loosening his hold and I was finally able to breath.

“I have been watching you for a while Baekhyun. I find you very beautiful and intriguing. Be my husband and I will give you everything you need and desire. Just submit to me and give me all your loyalty” he said as he caressed my cheek gently looking deep into my eyes.

“Wh…who are you?” I asked and all he did was smirk.

“I’m your soon to be husband Park Chanyeol” he said and my eyes almost popped right out of my sockets.

“Ye…yes” I whispered and he raised his eyebrow in question.

“Yes I… I will marry you”



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© chubbyeol_jones

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