Chapter 10

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Author's POV

Baekhyun stood in front of the hotel window which covered the whole wall displaying the most beautiful view of the city.

Honestly he wasn't admiring the view because he was deep in thought.

He snapped back to reality when he felt arms wrap around his waist.

"What's on your mind?" Chanyeol asked before kissing him on the neck.

"Nothing" Baekhyun responded trying to keep back a moan.

Chanyeol always made him feel so good even though he tried to deny it so many times.

"Are you nervous about the meeting?" Chanyeol asked as he turned him around and they werenfacing each other.

" don't know how I feel" Baekhyun responded looking away but Chanyeol held his chin in place to face him.

"Don't worry about it. I will handle everything. You don't even need to talk. Just stay next to me and look beautiful" Chanyeol aid making Baekhyun laugh.

"I'm not some trophy wife Park Chanyeol. I can handle myself" Baekhyun said pushing his hand away but before he could get far Chanyeol pulled him back before throwing him on the bed and pinning him down.

"You're my trophy Park Baekhyun. You agreed to this marriage remember" Chanyeol said giving him a serious look.

The grip on Baekhyun's wrists tightened making him wince.

"Not that I had a choice" Baekhyun responded with a pout which Chanyeol just found adorable and he couldn't help but kiss him.

"But I don't regret it" Baekhyun added before leaning forward initiating another kiss.

"I told you before. You're my husband now. If you want something done I will do it for you" Chanyeol said letting go of his hands before gently kissing the wrists he held.

"We still have about an hour before we have to go down" Baekhyun said as he leaned forward before grabbing Chanyeols collar and pulling him closer.

"There are a couple of things I have in mind that we can do before that time comes" Baekhyun said seductively before biting his bottom lip.

"I knew marrying you was the right choice" Chanyeol said before devouring his husband's lips.


Mr Byun and his eldest son Baekboem were on their way to meet a business associate at a hotel.

They felt more comfortable on their territory but this was a deal they couldn't afford to let go.

Jackson was driving with Mark on the passage seat.

Father and son were in the back.

"Any word from him?" Mr Byun asked seemingly annoyed.

Baekhyun had gone off before but he disappeared for a week at most but always came back when his father called.

"No sir. We can't even trace his phone from the night of the celebration party but everyone is looking for him. As soon as he is found you will be informed" Mark said in response.

"Do you think someone took him?" Baekbeom said but his father glared at him.

"He isn't an amateur to just get taken by anyone. I swear when I get my hands on him I'm going to lock him up for a very long time until he learns his lesson" Mr Byun said thinking about his more rebellious son.

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