Chapter 8

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Author's POV

When Daehyun was a teenager his father began to teach him the business and take him along for meetings or business deals.

But then one person he had never met was the big boss.

He knew that as much as his father had a lot of power he still answered to one man who controlled almost half of Korea.

He had never met this man but he knew he was dangerous and someone you shouldn't offend or it would cost you your life.

Because of this he made sure to stay out of trouble and do as he was told.

But his father was a bit different.

He liked to start trouble and took advantage of the fact that he was untouchable.

If you were loyal to the Parks you were well taken care of.

Daehyun had just arrived home from college when his father called him to his office.

He was now 21 years old and very much involved in the business but he was shocked when his father told him they were going to see the big boss.

He was finally going to meet the face behind all operations and he had to admit he was afraid.

Very afraid.

Because he had requested to see both him and his father.

A few hours later they were escorted into a office.

Daehyun almost ran away when he saw the intimidating red haired male stare at him.

He told them to take a seat in front of his desk.

His father was usually prideful and walked with  authority, but in front of this man he couldn't hide his nervousness and fear.

Being called by the boss meant one of two things. Promotion or death.

He just prayed it wasn't the latter.

But he was terribly wrong. At least for his fathers sake.

After expressing how he wasn't happy about how his father has been running his business, stealing money and starting unnecessary wars with other families, I heard the click of a gun.

I turned to see a smaller male stand behind my father with a gun in his hand pointed to the back of his head.

"What the..."

"Oh before I forget I would like to introduce you to my new husband...Park Baekhyun" Park said and the man with the gun walked to his side with the gun still pointed to his fathers head.

"BYU...Byun" my father was now shaking as he spoke and he looked petrified.

"Good to see you again sir. The last time we saw each other I was crawling towards my dead mother while I was bleeding to death because you shot me" Baekhyun said with a smile.


"We had a private wedding last weekend because we are not ready to go public yet. But you know what this means right" Park said but my father only mumbled a response.

I have never seen him so petrified.

"It means I'm your boss now and do you know what my first order is...your execution" Baekhyun said with a smirk before I head a gunshot and my father's scream of pain.

He now lay on the ground with blood pouring out of his chest as he struggled to stop it, blood pouring out of his mouth.

I was frozen in place and couldn't do anything.

Baekhyun pointed the gun to him again but Park held it.

"No baby let me do this for you. You're a Park now and my husband. You never have to do the dirty work ever again" he said before they kissed.

Park pointed the gun to my fathers head shooting a bullet between his eyes without hesitation.

He then turned to face me and pointed the gun in my direction.

My heart fell as I closed my eyes and prepared for my own death but it never came.

I only felt the gun against my cheek in a caress.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Park right in front of me sitting on his desk.

"You" he said before putting the gun on the table.

"I made sure you got properly trained because I knew this day would come. Your father was a liability and had to go. Don't make the same mistake or I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head. Congratulations. You're now the leader of your family. Make me proud" Park said before pulled his phone and called someone to come clean up the mess.

"Follow me Daehyun. We have a lot to discuss" Park stood up and finally I could move.

He gives his father's corpse one more look and noticed Baekhyun did the same as they locked eyes.

At that moment he wanted to rip the man apart for getting his father killed but had no choice but to follow his boss unless he also wanted to end up dead.


Does Daehyun hate Baek only for getting his father killed? Or is there more that's fueling his vengeance?

- chubbyeol_jones' beta/editor

© chubbyeol_jones

P.S. This fic will be a short one and it'll be coming to an end in another 6-7 chapters~ Hope you're enjoying it!

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