Chapter 14

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Author's POV

"I need to ask you a favor" Baekbeom said as soon as he finished his monthly meeting with Chanyeol.

"And what's that?" Chanyeol asked as he turned to face his long time friend.

Chanyeol wasn't joking about all the connections he had and spies within most if not all mafia organizations in the country.

Baekbeom was once kidnapped when he was younger.

His father did nothing to save him and Baekboem even remembered the telephone conversation his kidnappers had with his dad.

"We have your heir" they had said.

"If you didn't know I have two sons. Losing one won't cost me much" he had responded before cutting the call.

Baekboem was crushed and ready to accept his death but that's when Chanyeols father had attacked the men who held him.

Aparently they had offended him  and he wiped them all out.

Mr Park was about to kill the boy but a young Chanyeol pleaded for his life.

He was indebted to Chanyeol ever since and they became very good friends.

Chanyeol actually knew how to make more friends than enemies but not a lot of people knew that.

His power was bigger than anyone could ever imagine.

"Do you still like my brother?" Baekbeom asked.

"How could I not want that little ball of fire you call your brother. You know the only reason I havent made a move is because I respect you" Chanyeol said with a smile.

"I give you my blessing" Baekboem said.

"What?" Chanyeol said a bit confused.

"My father wants to marry off Baek to the worst people and I can't let that happen. The man is heartless and doesn't care about his own sons. We are just tools to him. I give you my blessing to take Baek and make him yours" he explained.

"This is the best day of my life. Finally my fantasies can come to life" Chanyeol said with a grin.

"Just make sure you protect him Park. I trust you more than I trust myself" Baekboem said.

"Don't worry you have my word. I will protect him with my life"


Baekbeom was about to enter his fathers office when he heard him screaming on the phone.

"I paid you a hell of a lot of money to kill that could you fail to kill him... He is rarely out in the open and you blew one of the few chances we have...I don't care what you have to do but I want Park Baekhyun dead as soon as possible..."

Baekboem couldn't believe what he was hearing.

His own father was the one trying to kill his brother.

He sent Baekhyun to Chanyeol so that he could be safe.

He knew his father would hate the idea of Chanyeol and Baekhyun together but he never thought he would go this far.

He was able to convince his father to take Parks offer but truthfully they had already been working for the Parks all along.

His father had no idea all the deals and jobs he had done and was doing was all planned by Park Chanyeol himself.

Without hesitation Baekboem pulled out his phone and called the only man he trusted.

"We have a problem and I need your help"

Within 24 hours Chanyeol was once again in the same room with Mr Byun and Baekboem once again.
"I just have one question for you Byun. Why did you try to kill my husband who is also your son?" Chanyeol asked.

"That is no son of mine. He lost that right when he made a union with you" Byun spat before he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Chanyeol who didn't move or seem bothered.

But Byun froze when he heard the click of a gun and turned to see his own son pointing a gun at his head.

"What the..."

"I told you if I want you dead I can easily make it happen. How does it feel like to discover everyone around you was never truly yours" Chanyeol said and soon Jackson, Mark and a few others walked in pointing their guns at Byun and taking his away.

"Oh before I forget. You should know that I wasn't the one who ordered this hit" Chanyeol said.

"Let me guess it was the prodical son" Byun responded with a humorless laugh.

"No. It was me" Baekboem said before he pulled the trigger.


Next chapter will be the last one

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Next chapter will be the last one. But there will be bonus chapters of course!^^

Will Baek choose to stay or leave?

- chubbyeol_jones' beta/editor

© chubbyeol_jones

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