Chapter 13

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Author's POV

Baekhyun wanted to leave the house as soon as possible but he knew as long as he was there both him and Taehyung were safe.

When Taehyung fell asleep Baekhyun received an anonymous phone call.

He wanted to ignore it but then ended up answering it.

"Baekhyun" he heard a voice he instantly recognized.
"Baekbeom" He responded in a mixture of happiness and shock.

"You brat where have you been. I have been worried sick about you" his older brother scolded.

"I'm sorry. Things got crazy and I know I should have said something but I couldn't" Baekhyun said and after his brother scolded him even more they decided to meet.

Baekhyun was mad when Kris and Tao tagged along but he couldn't blame them.

He knew Chanyeol had told them to keep an eye on him.

One thing he did notice was that the pair seemed closer than before.

Tao always used to tell him how he had always liked the other serious male but he never seemed interested.

A lot can change in 5 years.

Baekhyun's POV

When we finally arrived at mychildhood home I was shocked to see Baekbeom and Taoris interacting like they are best friends.

I thought my family hated Park/Wu. They had made that very clear.

Baekbeom gave his little brother a bone crushing hug before he then faced him with a serious look.

"What the hell were you thinking running off. Worse you were pregnant. Yes I have already heard you have a kid with Park. I have a nephew and you his him for 5 years. What the hell Baek" Baekbeom was not happy at all.

"I'm sorry. A lot happened and I...I just needed to get away" Baekhyun said with a guilty frown.

Baekboem's expression softened before he spoke again.

"Baekhyun we need to talk. They are a lot of things i need to explain to you. I should be the one apologizing" Baekbeom said making Baekhyun confused.

"Chanyeol didn't kill dad... I did" he confessed leaving his little brother shocked.

"I...I don't ... I don't understand. Why would you do that?" Baekhyun asked as he sat down but kept his eyes on his brother who sat on the opposite side facing him.

Tao and Kris were no where in sight.

"I need to start from the beginning" Baekbeom said before he took a deep breath and started explaining everything to Baekhyun.


This chapter is the shortest chapter and is more of a filler

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This chapter is the shortest chapter and is more of a filler.

What really happened 6 years ago will be revealed in the next chapters.

- chubbyeol_jones' beta/editor

© chubbyeol_jones

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