Devil Levi x Demon Reader (After death)

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You've had a crush on Levi, ever since you passed on and ended up in hell for being a thug and murder on the streets. But it was only because you were poor and had absolutely no one to care for you or anything to help you survive.

In the end you ended up being killed by a titan, after joining the survey corps and battling with the female type titan. You only joined because you couldn't survive as a thug anymore, constantly so close to death anyway so you welcomed it when it finally came. That one of the reasons you loved Levi, he came to you and took your pain away.

Your POV

I love him, but there's no way I'll ever be able to be with him. He's the devil the most important person in this place. He sets everyone to work down here and what we do is... Well, many different things, but I got really lucky with getting to work along side Levi, the devil himself. I'm his assistant, which means I have to help him with visiting bad people on their death beds and bringing them back to hell, amongst other things.

Normal POV

Only the thing you don't know is that you were his assistant for a certain reason, it was because he loved you too, but was too shy to confess to you. Something you wouldn't think, because you know he's the devil for gods sake.

A/N not meant to be a pun but now it shall be ;) and its set in the titans time you could guess. I guess the next parts change to mordern type thing well it doesn't matter.

One day you were wondering about the human world aimlessly scouting the surface, you kept seeing so many happy faces of people in pairs. Feeling lonely and angry at those people you flew off with your blue and white wings. The wings of freedom Levi granted you special wings ones that were identical to his own instead of the boring, plain old black wings that all the other demons had.

You took off swiftly, in search of a soul to snatch and bring back to Levi as a present in an attempt to make him happy. Seeing him happy, that would make you very happy.

Sighing heavily, you flew around for a long time before finally arriving at a hospital for criminals, walking into the building and down the corridors, you were invisible to most, except the few dying criminals.

"Oh goody there are quite a few souls to take today. Levi will be pleased with me but I don't suppose this is gonna make him fall for me." You thought out loud, walking past loads of healthly people before sensing the dying who were suffering and enjoying the sensation for some reason.

Grinning you stopped at the end of the corridor in a room, with all the people on their deathbeds. "What the hell is that?" I heard them all say pointing to me, the nurse in the room walked out ignoring them, thinking they were insane.

"I'm just the demon thats come here to bring all to hell, as you figured you all dying from this disease." You said smirking, flashing your fangs to intimidate them further.

"No leave us alone!" One of them shouted backing himself into the corner of the room, terror evident in his eyes.

"It's to late for you, so just come willingly or I will just have to take your souls by force, and thats gonna cause you a lot of pain." You said with a stoic face looking at all four of the men laying on the beds, three of them agreed, but the other man didn't.

Angered by his refusal, you appeared in front of him suddenly, snatching his soul through his chest and placing it into your pouch for carrying souls before walking over to the others in the room and carefully taking their souls too.

Once happy with your work, you flew back to the entrance of hell, which happened to be a certain graveyard in the human world.

Running through the gates and back to Levi's office, you burst in to be greeted by a grumpy Levi as usual. "Whats up, boss?" You ask as you walk over to him with your newly aquired souls.

"Oh hello (Y/N), What do you want?" He said looking at you concerned. "Guess what I gotcha Levi, opps I mean sir." You said happily.

"Hmm what is it (Y/N)?" He said trying to look away from your beautiful (H/L) (H/C) locks that lay on your ghostly pale skin and your sparkling (E/C) eyes highlighting every features on your face. "I got you some more souls." You said placing your pouch of souls down on the desk, Levi opened it and the souls appeared as demons in his office.

"Those are some tough looking souls (Y/N), I hope you didn't have trouble with them." He said, motioning for the four demons to get out and go to work.

Once they'd exited through the door you replied. "Only one of them refused to come willingly, but he wasn't much of a match." You said grinning, expecting Levi to be happy, but he really wasn't.

"You really shouldn't do things like that (Y/N) it's dangerous." He said worriedly still maintaining his stoic look. "Sir, why would you care for me anyway? I'm one of millions of demons that you use." You said looking away from him ready to walk away.

"Because... Because of this" He said rushing over to you placing his lips against yours, shocked at first you warmed to his kiss and kissed him back passionately, until you both needed to pull back for air. "I didn't know you felt that way for me sir." You said blushing a bright shade of pink.

"I didn't know you felt the same way (Y/N), and you can call me Levi from now on." He replied, his piercing gray eyes gazing into yours lovingly. You pulled him by the collar into a deeper kiss this time, before walking out.

"See ya later Levi." You said grinning happily. Only after you left did you finally realize that both yours and Levi's eyes had been glowing the pure crimson red that all of the other demons did permantly, but only whilst you'd shared your first kiss with Levi.

Extended ending

You walked back to the human world happily through the gates of hell into that graveyard now knowing why the entrance to hell was positioned here. This was where you where your body or what was left of your body, your torso was buried after you where biten in half by that titan.

Levi appeared next to you by the gravestone entwining his fingers with yours after setting some flowers down at the grave. "So your the one that always leaves flowers at my grave... This is why the gate are here isn't Levi?" You said looking up at him.

"Yes." was all he said before he pulled you into a hug and kissed you on the cheek, bending down to touch the simple gravestone. At his touch it changed morphing into a demon with angels wings that looked like you, now displaying a little engraved name plate in the hands of the figure that read. "(Y/N) (L/N), A beloved daughter, and wife."

You laughed as you finished reading it. "Is that your way of purposing to me Levi?" You said a smile spreading across you face, as a tear slipped down your cheek.

"Yes, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, (Y/N)(L/N)?" He announced producing a beautiful red velet ring box with a flaming red gemstone in a silver ring placed carefully inside.

"Yes I would love to Levi." You said and he placed the ring on your finger. You examined the ring on you finger, smiling before placing your hands on his cheeks, pulling his face to yours, kissing him passitionately before entwining your hands with him again and flying off together back to hell.

A/N this probably sucks as this is my first one shot love story thing anyway if you want a request comment it and I will try to make a good one.

A/N I've finally started to come back and rewrite and improve some of my fics

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