Levi x Reader (His equal)

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Normal POV

You had trained for years and years to be the best, the strongest and you had finally achieved, coming joint first with Mikasa Ackerman in the 104th trainee squad, and your decided to join the survey corps because that way you could help humanity defeat the titans plus you heard that the other divisions where boring. So here you are graduating to the corps today, to stand by lots of strong soldiers and humanities strongest Lance Corporal Levi. Hoping to impress the corps with your stubborness and agility, showing how you tied first place with Mikasa.

You were walking down the hallways of the corps for the first time since graduation and you were trailing quite far behind your guide around the HQ, looking all over the place passing so many room, itching to explore the place fully, not allowed to and plus you respected people's privicy, running a bit trying to catch up with your guide, when "Bang" you ran straight into someone, hissing as you stood up and starting to shout at the person "What hell are you doing watch where your goin..." You yelled until you realised who it was, papers scattered all on the floor, some drifting down next to you. "Umm ssir, are you ok" You said saluting him, Lance Corporal Levi "Tch watch where your going brat, now help me pick all these up cadet" Levi ordered you "But sir I need to catch up with my guide. I'm new here..." You were interupted by him clicking his tongue again "Your going help me or I am going to find you later on a punish you" He shouted at you, still looking at the floor collecting up his papers.

"Urrr fine I'll pick up then shorty.... Shit" You accidently thought aloud the last parts. "Now you are going to be punished harshly cadet, you will meet me at the training grounds tommorrow at 6:00am sharp" He picked himself up and grabbed you by the collar, yelling in your face as his grey eyes glared daggers into your (E/C) ones, before he dropped you and grabbed all his paperwork, and stamping off like a child, "Thats unlike the Corporal from what I have heard that is" You pondered, rushing off to find your group and the guide, after rounding a few corners you smashed into one of the others, unfortunately it was Mikasa, who had now suddenly started to hate you for some reason.

Both of you on the floor, awkardly as your face was right next to Mikasa's, if you shifted in anyway you probably end up with both of your lips pressed together, so you daren't even shift your weight. "Umm someone help here" You mumbled, blushing as you felt yourself being lifted off Mikasa. "Thanks...." You thanked them, until you turned around seeing Levi "Oh so you making this a thing now cadet knocking people over or...." Levi spoke, eyes glinting dangerously, "Don't you dare even think of that you little creep, I just ran round the corner and crashed into Mikasa, I'm not making a move on her" You said looking to the others for help, but no one said anything except maybe Ymir nudging closer to Christa "Sheesh thanks for the support guys" You shouted sarcastically, storming down the hall away from them.

Your POV

Closely followed by Levi after me, I burst out the doors into the garden like back, running away into the labrinth of hedges away from everyone. "Leave me alone shorty" I shouted angryily at Levi as you walked around the labrinth. "Cadet get your ass out here now, your seriously in trouble, for everything" Levi yelled into the maze of hedges. "Fuck off now, I'm not coming out" I screamed at him, finding a place to sit, thoughts rushing through my head all over the place.

I heard light footsteps suggesting Levi was walking away, until five minutes later when he came strolling into my little sheltered hiding place silently sitting down next to me on the small bench squashed into the shelter. "You do know you are definately in big trouble now Cadet (L/N), now you coming with me, we will start training right now" He ordered standing up and pulling me off the bench, dragging me all the way to the training ground as I stared blankly at the ground.

Suddenly we stopped at the training grounds, as I gazed up Levi aimed to punch me but before he did I swiftly dodged it, moving to the left. Bringing my foot up driving right in to his face, a little blood flew out of his mouth after the hard impact to his cheek, before I could pull my foot back he grabbed my foot, twisting my leg flipping me over with ease. "Arg I think you sprained my ankle, shorty" I screamed in pain, grasping my ankle in pain as I sat on the floor.

I punched at him smashing him in the stomach with a sicking blow, sending him back a bit, I quickly rolled to the side as he aimed a punch to my face instead hitting the floor, he clutched his hand cursing in pain before I jumped up on my uninjured leg, aiming a punch for his face, slamming my fist into with a sickening crack, he fell to the ground and I swiftly followed straddling him to the ground. "I win" I coughed before he grinned and flipped up over. "No I win cadet you let your guard down" Levi chuckled, wait he chuckled leaning forward in my face. "You know it's hard not to, when I'm fighting with you." I replied staying still, he smirked and moved the rest of distance between us, pressing his lips against mine lightly, my eyes widened but I slowly kissed back.

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