Vampire Reader x Vampire Levi (Eternity)

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Lately people all over the survey corps HQ had been waking up with strange, mysterious marks on their necks. It had been happening for a while now, but still nobody knew what these strange bite marks were.

Nobody except you, you knew perfectly well what they were, they were your fang marks. Since you were a vampire, you had to quench your thirst for blood.

For the past three years in the trainees camp, you'd had to nearly starve yourself so that no suspicion was drawn to you. However over ghe last few months you had made up for that by dranking the blood from nearly everyone in the corps.

Eren, Mikasa and the rest of the 104th trainee squad, even Marco before he died and Annie who'd gone to work in the military police. The list was long as some even the Levi squad, Erwin and Hanji, absolutely everyone in the survey corps had been a part of your meal.

Everyone that is, but humanities strongest, Lance Corporal Levi. So far no one elses blood was satisfying enough, so your thoughts were that maybe as the strongest solider, his blood might taste the best.

You had to plan out how to do this, you never took too much blood even if your vampire instincts kicked in your fought it so you wouldn't kill anyone, but if Levi's blood was the perfect one you didn't know if you would be able to stop yourself this time.

Your POV

As you walked around the survey corps HQ in search for the Lance Corporal shorty, your crush and your next victim. You sniffed, taking in the smells around the corridors, they were just full of the scents of just about everyone. Although you quickly managed to isolate Levi's scent and follow it to find him in the training grounds with Eren, Mikasa behind him, shooting Levi death glares.

"Umm sir." You said saluting him as you ran over. "Yes cadet (L/N) what do you want?" Levi said punching Eren in the stomach making him crumple to the floor in pain. "I was wondering if you would perhaps train with me?" I questioned him, looking down unsure whether he would.

"Sure. We'll do it right now, get ready." He spoke stoically like normal as he positioned himself in a fighting stance. "Ok, whenever you're ready then." I answered after getting into my fighting stance.

Levi just pounced forward straight away, aiming a punch at your face, using your vampire powers you quickly moved your head to the side as you hand shot up, grabbed his, your knee making it's way to his gut and impacting hard into his muscular, toned stomach.

That move didn't turn out as effective as you hoped it would be. You started to leap back quickly to evade, but that failed as Levi hooked your feet up from underneath you, sending you to the floor on your ass.

Levi quickly pounced on you, pinning you to the ground with his body weight. "I win, your dead now.. We're done here Jaeger, you and Ackerman are free to go. However (L/N) you are to stay here and train more, that was one of the worst excuse for a fight I have ever had." Levi yelled getting up and brushing himself off.

"Not that I actually care, I just need to tire you out so I don't have to fight you later." You thought to yourself, standing up and brushing yourself off before returning to your fighting stance, motioning Levi to come at you.

You and Levi fought for a good few hours kicking, punching and kneeing each other in various places. You actually felt tired for the first time in years. You'd met your match and you could tell he was getting tired too. "You had enough Heichou?" You questioned, slowing down to a normal speed your eyes gleaming in the sun as it was setting.

"Pfft you wish (Y/N)." He sighed in annoyance. "God damn it this man is seriously stubborn, why won't he just quit already." I thought. As you both carried on way through the night only to tire around midnight.

"Ok I think we are done here." Levi announced as he stopped fighting, but you had already moved in to strike so your fist hit him square in the face. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Heichou." You apologised before starting to walk away.

"Oi (Y/N)! You were holding back at first weren't you." He shouted to you, his arms crossed as he stared at you. "I might of been, but I might have not." You yelled back after stopping and turning to face him. "I think it's pretty obvious you were. We just fought for several hours with no breaks and neither of us won." He said looking like he was grining in the moonlight.

"He looked like he was grinning it can't be, this is Captain Levi he always has that stoic expression on his face. Must have been the light playing tricks on me." You thought as you turned back around and began making your way back to your room. 

Normal POV

Little did you know that Levi was a vampire too and tonight you were his victim, just like you had picked him last, he picked you last as he too had a crush on you and didn't want to hurt you but no one elses blood satisfied his thirst for blood either. And that is the reason he accepted your challenge to fight to tire you out and why he won the first match using his vampire powers, also why he smirked as you walked away after you both finished fighting, exhausted for once. As you finally found you room, you walked in and got dressed into you sleeping clothes, fiddling about with your sketchbook and a pencil drawing a perfect picture of Levi, you tended to do this all the time only it was a different person each night, the person whos blood you drank, so the sketchbook was nearly full except for the last page Levi's page, Smiling happy with your perfect drawing of Levi, you got ready into your everyday do unmilitary things in clothes. Walking out of your room you sensed a presense nearby, walking to where you sensed it you found nothing until you looked up, there was Levi staring down at you a lust in his eyes. "What the hell" You exclaimed backing away from that spot and making you way away from there, looking back you saw no Levi "Must have been my eyes playing tricks on me again" You thought out loud, making your way over to Levi's office, using your vampire powers to find he was on the bed, sleeping soundly. Quietly you stepped in the door to his office which was unlocked unusually, making your way soundlessly over to the bedroom down you crept through there too and soon hovered over Levi's bed, unable to control your blood lust any more you quickly pounced at Levi, sinking your fangs in to his neck, once you had finished drinking his blood yuo noticed a pair of fang marks already on his neck. You backed away only to bump into Levi, who had sped round your back and suddenly sunk his fangs into your neck quenching his blood lust too he stepped away from your back and in front of you "So you are a vampire too" He spoke looking at you meancingly. "Of course you just saw idiot" You retorted back. "I supected so but wasn't sure" He laughed out "And how exactly would you know that Levi" You grinned as you spat out the words. "Well more people were getting bite marks on their necks then normal so it had to be one of the trainee's that had just arrived, you were the unsocial one mostly away from the group, also you seemed to love the night and take walks about alot and well just then you could stop all but one of my attacks which  were done at the fast pace of a vampire. So really obvious now, and thats good too" He smiling as he spoke edging closer to you "Why is that Corporal?" You said curiously "Because of this" He said hurriedly as he stood into front of you clashing his lips against yours "I didn't know you felt the same way" You said blushing furiously. "Good now we can be together for eternity" He said before clashing his lips against yours again this time you returned the action. "You blood is the best I've tasted" You exclaimed after the kiss "So was yours and now we can just drink each others, will you be my eternal partner (Y/N) (L/N)" He said smiling "Yes I will Levi Ackerman" You squealed happily.

Extended ending

So you and Levi ended up being partners for eternity and drank each others blood so no more suspition was directed as the bite marks stopped appearing on everyones necks, both of you lived happily together helping to kill the titans, after all the humans were you real prey. Evently you both actually got married many years later but not before a certain someone found out about your powers and experimented on you, threating to expose you if you didn't the one every knows and loves the annoying titan nerd Hanji Zoe.

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