AU Mordern Reiner x Reader (Never accepted)

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A/N Ok so this one is gonna be a AU modern oneshot and a Reiner oneshot was requested by CeganTheAyugipi

Normal POV

It was time for the dreaded visit to your parents house with your newest boyfriend Reiner, you met him at college in one of the sports club, you had nearly faceplanted the floor from tripping over an obstacle luckly Reiner was there to catch you, your knight in shining armour there to save you from the embrassment of tripping like a idiot in front of most of the school. This visit to your parents was a very important one, if your parents didn't like Reiner then they would force you to leave him by guilt trips and other methods, so it was very important that Reiner kept his calm here at the most ergant of times, as everyone but your parents Reiner was a brute at school but this was only because he had a mental condition and thought that had to get a certain object from someone but no one really knew what he was on about, not even our class the 104th trainee corps, a branch for lots of different special classes like advanced classes.

Your POV

"Hey mum, dad, umm this is my new boyfriend Reiner" I greeted my parents casually, I never really liked my parents much but I needed to for them to look after me and send me money to rent my apartment. "Keep calm Reiner ok because I don't want to lose you too" I whispered "I'll try my best (Y/N) you know I can't help it" He whispered back as we entered the house and sat down at then table waiting for a while before we actually started a conversation with my dad who glared at Reiner the whole time "Tch dad can we not just have a nice, normal dinner for once, you know one where you don't annoy my boyfriend" I asked before walking to the kitchen to help my mum to carry in all the food she had cooked, a fancy kind of dinner as always with her, this time it was a roasted chicken with lots of vegetables, gravy and Yorkshire puddings and not forgetting mashed potato and mashed carrot and swede all layed neatly on the table, Finally after everything was set up my mum and I sat down to eat "So how did you meet dear?" My mother questioned straight away before filling up her plate "We met at college when we were both at a sports club gathering, funny we actually umm picked the same thing, basketball the boys and the girls team played each other from then on" I chuckled as I remembered that we wouldn't have met properally if I hadn't of tripped over an obstacle , well it was more being tackled by my worse enemy, (Y/E) and being caught by Reiner, my crush and a popular athlete for the school that's why everyone liked him except me I saw his real personality underneath his tough exterior. "Thats lovely dear, how long has it been since you met?" She smiled before eating some of her meal, my dad still glaring at Reiner while he chewed on the large leg of the chicken that he had ripped off quite violently frightening both me and Reiner even my mum for once. "Hmm ... Well it's been 9 months, since mid - October now it's just August nearly 10 months actually it should be a soon" I said smiling and hugging Reiner, he smiled and hugged me back before we both pulled away to continue eating dinner "So how are you at school ... Reiner?" My dad said gruffly finishing up his meal Reiner looked at me questioningly.

"Just go with it and don't say anything about the thing ok" I whispered to him nodding, "Well schools pretty good, I look after (Y/N) with all the jealous girls after her because she hangs out with the sport team and my other popular friends most of the time, Bertholdt who's a on the rugby team with me and Annie who's a cheerleader and also plays for the females football team they are both child hood friends. Even with all these activities we do me and (Y/N) still do great in classes together seen as we share the same timetable. (Y/N) does a lot of sports to she plays for the girls basket ball team with Annie,Mikasa, Sasha, Mina, Christa and Ymir who are all friends along with a few unknown others, actuall they all play for the football team to but Christa tries to stick with cheerleading with Annie when it comes to Rugby and other sports. (Y/N) don't you swim too with Armin, Eren, Jean, Marco, Connie and some of the others, so we're both pretty active and I think we suit" He smiled after his speech type talk "Yes we do all that and I think we suit to but it's up to them with the guilt trips" I whispered the last part about it being up to my parents and the guilt trips.

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