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Fan Cover By @Lovelesslex

Luke's pov:

I strive to keep my head low as I walk out of the failed attempt of what was suppose to be a nice evening.

I wipe away the pizza sauce from the side of my face with the back of my sleeve and make my way to my car.

Somehow this always happens.

But this time, I didn't expect to get slapped on the side of the face with a slice of pizza.

Why you may ask?

Another girlfriend, another date, another fail.

When I get to my car, I slam the door closed and put my head in my hands.

God I'm such a screw up.

It's been almost two years now and every single girl I tried to impress either just walked away, wanted more, cheated, .. or now I guess physically hit me with a slice of pizza.

Just another one to add to the list.

I just want one, ONE girl who doesn't care so much about herself.

But that's kind of hard when you are the heir of a rich family.

Two stuck up parents and four snobby brothers, what could be worse?

I feel my phone going off in my pocket and I look at the caller ID to see it was Ashton.

I glance back up at Vicky, I guess my now Ex, storming out of the restaurant, her screeching heels making the agony of losing yet another date even worse.

I met her at a nightclub that Zander dragged me and Jake to.

I recall him saying, "It's time to bring back the old Zander dance style."

Let's just say that me and Jake stayed very.. very far from the dance floor that night.

Very far.



Looking back, when I first talked to her, she was hesitant.

But when I introduced myself as a Barrington, aka my curse of a last name, I should have known from the start she was just a money seeker.

I look back down at my phone and swipe to answer.

"Hey man what's up?" I hear a voice on the other side.

"It's going." I say in a low voice leaning back on my car seat.

"Let me guess, it didn't go so well?"

I knew I shouldn't have told him about yet another date.

"Try being slapped in the face with a slice of cheese pizza." I almost laugh at how pathetic my voice sounds.

"Maybe you should just.. take a break from dating." Ashton reasons, but I quickly dismiss the thought.

"You say that every single time."

"Yeah, and every single time you chose not to listen, I have to say it yet another time." He says in a gruff voice.

"Yeah well, at least you have a girlfriend, which by the way, how is Julie?" I ask trying to get rid of the original topic.

"No, we are not changing the topic here Mr. I am Luke Barrington and I don't listen to good advice." He says mockingly.

"Damn you."


"Did you just language me Ashton?"

"Sorry, Julie gave me that annoying habit." He sighs.

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