I Just Assumed

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Ella's pov:

Am I afraid?

Yes, yes I am.

Why? Well anyone who has the username ILikeBoxing123456789 is CLEARLY insane.

And this insane person is going to make me do yoga.

When my dad walked past me in the hallway, I couldn't help but glare.

Why would he sign me up for a yoga class??

Like seriously, I have been nothing but respectful, kind daughter.


Okay I have been nothing but a daughter.

I groan as the butler knocks on my bedroom door.

His name was Travis, and he was pretty cool.

Old, but cool.

I was just upset that he was the one taking me to my death bed.

Aka, the yoga mat.

"Are you ready to leave Miss Ella?" He questions from the other side of the door.

After putting shoes on, I open the door and nod my head, following him down the stairs.

Well, not before my sister gave me a questionable look.

I give her a "I will tell you later" glance and follow Travis to a dark grey car.

He holds the car door open for me as I climb in the back while he takes his place in the drivers seat.

I have no idea where I am meeting this psycho, but I'm kinda curious what they will look like.


"We are here Miss Ella." Travis says, I look outside to see that we were...

In the supermarket parking lot?

I give Travis a questionable look but he doesn't respond as he parks in one of the spots close to the main doors and he opens my car door for me.

I hesitantly step out and look around, mainly for anyone who looked insane for wanting to teach yoga.

Again, out of all the things my dad could have signed me up for.


I suddenly here a voice clear but I refuse to look over at the person.

Maybe if I look like I really don't want to do yoga, then they will get the hint and leave.

It was a long shot, but I will take the risk.

"Are you here for Miss Ella?" Travis questions who ever the person was.

But the next thing....

Definitely catches me off guard, I'll tell you that.

"If this Miss Ella is weird, can't play sports, and is horrible at building blocks, then yes I am."

I turn around in surprise to see Luke standing there with a light grin on his face.

I stand there, my eyes wide looking at him like I have just seen a ghost.

Travis just nods his head at me and gets back into the car and drives off.

"But... how?" I ask in astonishment as the grin never leaves his face.

"I'm surprised ILikeBoxing123456789 didn't click anywhere in your brain."

Still dumbfounded, I reply, "How was I suppose to know? You never told me that you are a boxer?!"

But at this newly founded information, his eyes widen, "Wait I never told you?" He questions.

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