Sooner Than Later

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Ella's pov:

Excuse me while I just....



Now that it is out of the way...

I can't even begin to describe my misery.

But remember when I was like 'Yay supermarket!!'

Well, now I'm more like, 'Boo hell.'

Here, let me explain.

I have been in this supermarket for forty minutes, and what do I have?

Bread and eggs.


You know, out of the eighty something things I have to get.

I am telling you this, not because I am going insane...

Okay I am going insane..

But this place is just a total maze!!


Where's the milk??


What?! Who?! Where?!

Tomato sauce?

Don't even get me started.

At first I wanted to be in here for as long as I can, but now I just want to drive a car through this building.

Yes, I am that annoyed.

After sighing for the hundredth time in the last five minutes, I close my eyes and lean back against the empty wall between the Oreos and the fruit.

That's right.

Oreos and Fruit.

Who in the world designed this place??

I mean, this makes it so if some person wants to be healthy, they have to walk past the Oreos to get to the fruit.

And who doesn't like Oreos?

I don't know why on the box they do the serving size by three Oreos.

Do you really think I'm going to open a box of Oreos and just eat three?

No way.

When I open it the whole box is basically gone.

The serving size should be by box, not by three little cookies.

While I am arguing about life, I here someone clear their throat.

I open my eyes to see..

"Luke?" I question as he smiles at me.

"The one and only."

"Woah, I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Like, I was expecting weeks, not days.

"No nice to see you? I missed you? Really Ella." His smile drops and he shakes his head.

While I on the other hand give his shoulder a light shove.

"You know I didn't mean it like that." I laugh.

"I think you should apologize."

"For what?"

"Hurting my feelings." He says, but I watch as he struggles to keep a smile off of his face.

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