A Promise

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Ella's pov:

Walking down the stairs for breakfast from a restless sleep, I play out all the possible scenarios in my head.

All I could do was assume the worst.


She would say no.

I mean of course she would, she has been against me going for years.

It's unsafe! You'll get hurt! Too many bad influencers... bla bla bla.

I always hated how she used our family's heritage as the reason why I couldn't be like a normal teenager.

But the sad thing is, when I was little, I actually believed it.

And it's not like I didn't have a reason to believe it, my mom told the story countless times, even though I was there to witness the aftermath.

My grandfather being killed, the reason that my dad go handed the business in the first place.

Why my childhood was normal leading up to that very moment.

Shaking my head, I take smaller steps into the kitchen to see Abby, one of the maids, trying to carry two separate trays, each in one hand, which were nearly full.

"Hey Abby, need help?" I can't help but laugh as she tries her best to keep a steady balance.

"If you don't mind, Ella." She laughs, as I take one of the trays from her grasp.

"I don't mind, plus..." I take one of the pieces of sausage and shove it in my mouth, "I'm hungry."

Again, she laughs as she shakes her head, "I feel like I've heard that one before." She says, recalling how I say that... more times than the average person, I'll say that.

"Who me? Psssh never." I grab another piece of sausage and follow her to the dining room, where my mother and sister were already seated.

I set down the tray and take a seat at the table, across from Ally, who doesn't even spare me a glance as I start my breakfast.

I wasn't surprised, it's been like this ever since I got back.

When I first walked in, she simply just stared at me and then walked away.

Every meal, sudden encounter in the hallway, or when I try to talk to her, she just ignores me all together.

But of course I knew why, and I couldn't blame her.

I left out of nowhere, without even saying a goodbye.

If my mom didn't see me in the mall, would I have never seen her again?

I knew Ally was probably beyond upset with me, I pretty much abandoned her, and I hated myself for it.

I was so blindsided of what my mom said, I didn't take a second to think of the choice I was making.

Switching my glance to my mom, I watch as she types away on her laptop.

Without much awareness, I continue to stare until she looks up at me.

"So Ella, What are you planning on doing today?" She asks, taking a sip of her coffee.

Yeah I know, asking me about my day is still incredibly new to me.

It was a small thing, only a couple of words, but it definitely left an impact.

"I think Luke and I are going to see a movie."

"The Barrington Boy?"


She nods her head, and looks back at her computer screen.

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