Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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Ella's pov:

It was a long car ride to the Barrington household.

Not in distance, but an internal, wanting to cry but jump out the window at the same time, kind of thing.

And the fact that I was the main reason why I was feeling this way made me feel even worse.

Also through the course of the car ride, I kept glancing at my mom.

I want to tell her to not be mad at Luke, but it feels like lately every time I try to fix things, it just makes matters worse.

Again, I know she didn't say that she technically doesn't like Luke...

Just that she was unsure about him.

From the past it normally means she doesn't like someone, but I can still be hopeful... right?

Maybe she was just unsure...

And maybe pigs do really fly.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look over at Ally who was looking at me.

"What?" I whisper to her.

She points at my foot, and I look down to see without knowing, I was nervously tapping the back of my heel on my left foot.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm sure things will turn out fine." She whispers to me.

"Are you saying it will turn out fine before or after I tell Luke that my mom doesn't like him because of me?" I whisper back trying my best not to let out a frustrated sigh.

It was too risky with my mom sitting so close.

She has always been a persistent woman, meaning that when she sees or thinks something is wrong, she won't stop until she knows exactly what.

"It would be wrong of him to hold you against it. You made a mistake, it's not like you intentionally wanted it to happen." She urges, which makes me understand where she is coming from.

I mean, it makes sense. Luke wouldn't do that, he is understanding.

Maybe I am over stressing.

"We have arrived." The driver says, looking at the mirror directed at my dad, who nods his head and looks at my mom.

"Would you like to keep a couple of body guards in close perimeter?" He questions my mom, to which she nods her head.

"Yes, as much as I trust the Barrington family, I want to keep things disclosed from the public eye." She says.

I never understood why they always want to keep body guards around.

I know there is always reporters who like to keep up to date on my dad's business, and even take it so far as to follow our family around...

But I have always hated it.

It's freaky!

I hate knowing that my every move is being watched by somebody.

That being the body guard.

I understand that they are just doing their job and all... but still.

It's just one of the many things that come with the business.

Stepping out of the car, I couldn't help but take in the Barrington house...

No, more like mansion!

I mean, it was the size of ours, but I never overlook the beauty of a house.

I guess you could blame my obsession with house hunters.

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