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Ella's pov:

"That was a good movie!" I smile as I follow Luke out of the movie theatre, throwing all of tissues into the garbage can.

"Didn't you cry for most of it?" He raises his eyebrow, but I only scoff.

"It was only the ending."

"You were sniffling for a whole fifteen minutes."

"That's pretty stalkish.... you know?"

"You aren't the quietest person... you know?" He mimics me, while I stick my tongue out.

"I am very offended."

"Why? Because you cried at the too long of a happy ending?"

"It was an emotional time okay?!" I whine while he laughs, shaking his head at me in the process.

"If you say so."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

But he only smirks and bumps my shoulder, "Nothing."

I roll my eyes at him, and look up at the sky to see it was already almost evening.

Which meant only one thing, I look up at Luke who already knew what I was about to say.

"Yes, I know you are hungry. No I am paying! To bad! I don't care if you feel bad. You are in the mood for Olive Garden? Okay let's go." He says monotone, not even sparing me a glance, but I only glare.

"So you wait until now to tell me you are a mind reader?!" I have joke, half say seriously.

"What can I say? I know you better than you know yourself." He grins.

"Sure you do." I grin back, but he nods his head.

"Ask me any question, and I bet I can answer it correctly."

I think for a second, "Fine... but let's make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" He questions as we make it to his car, getting in.

"How about this, only ten questions. If you get more questions right than you do wrong, you have to pay for the meal, and if it's the other way around, I get to pay."

He squints his eyes at me, "How do I know you won't make the questions impossible to answer?"

I hold up my hands in defense, "I won't make them that hard."

He nods his head and I instantly start to think of questions that are more basic, but harder to answer.

I mean he's right, what can I say, he's literally best friend, what doesn't he know? I tell him everything.

Well... almost everything.

That I don't want to be just his friend anymore.

That I am scared that he will once again break my heart.

I hate that I still think about it. Even after I try to push the thoughts out of my head, they come back to haunt me.

Will he leave me again?

He did it once, he can certainly do it again... right?

I want to tell him how I feel... but I'm afraid.

The last time I tried to... well, you know what happened.

I want to believe him when he said that he has changed, but the fear of getting hurt consumes me.

But then again, just by looking at him, I feel safe.

Like there is a part of me that makes him home.

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