Bye Bye

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Ella's pov:

"What do you mean you ate all of the pizza?!!" Julie's voice echoes through the house as Jake clutches the empty pizza box in his hands.

"I was hungry!!!"

"It was a FULL pizza!!"

"Well, maybe you should have bought more." Jake says, as he licks off pizza sauce from his thumb after setting the box on the counter.

Julie only glares at him as he does this, "I hope one day your metabolism just turns off and you have to be on 'My 600 pound life'."

"At least I will still be liked...unlike you." Jake says smirking at her.

"I think you will be the unliked one here. And to prove my point, you weren't even invited here, you showed up and ate all our pizza!!" Julie exclaims as I laugh from behind her.

She was right, Julie and I are having one of those 'girl nights' but instead of it being just us all of the other times, I think a girl named Gianna is joining us.

And we were SUPPOSE to watch a movie and eat pizza...

But, I guess that can't happen when all of the pizza is GONE.

"I haven't seen my girlfriend in forever!! She said she would be here."

Before Julie has the chance to... attack Jake, I quickly stepped between them.

What can I say? I don't have good experiences in hospitals, and I think you know why.

And by the looks of it, Julie is about to put Jake in and full body cast.

"Julie, didn't your mom buy frozen Pizzas or something? I'm pretty sure we helped her unpack some of the groceries yesterday." I say while she just nods her head slightly.

"Fine," she peers over my shoulder and gives a sturdy look to Jake, "that means you can go 'bye bye' now."

"Bye bye?"

"As in.. BYE BYE" Julie says and suddenly, she grabs Jake's arm and before I could stop her, she drags his arm and makes him follow her downstairs to the front door, "Bye Bye!" She grins and slams the door in his face.

I stare at her in wide eyes, half shocked, and half amazed on how she just threw a 18 to 19 year boy who was almost double her size out of her house with no struggle.

"How?" Is all I can say as I follow her into the kitchen.

"Lets just say, I take my food very seriously." Julie grins as she goes into the freezer and pulls out a box of frozen pepperoni pizza.

As she takes it out of the box, I sit on the counter stool.

"Why was Jake here in the first place? I mean, I know because he wanted to see Gianna, but didn't the boys have some guy hangout next door at Ashton's or something?" I ask as Julie preheats the oven.

"I just assumed that the boys ran out of food over there." Julie laughs.

"I wouldn't be surprised." I laugh also.

"I'm pretty sure that's all they do, eat and see who is the strongest."

"Who do you think is the strongest?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

She just grins, "I think you already know the answer to that."

"Oh yeah, wasn't Ashton the boxing captain or something?" I ask.

Julie nods her head, "Yeah he was, and he was good at it."

"That's awesome."

"Yeah, so when the guys talk, it's always about boxing, but I literally don't understand it, no matter how many boxing matches I go to. There are so many rules." She says.

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