Capturing Ben

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Ben's POV

"Mal, please come back to Auradon." I begged.

"Ben, I-I can't. I don't belong in Auradon." She said.

I brought out the ring and held it out to her. "Please, come home."

She slowly walks up to me, "I am home and I don't fit in. I gave it my best shot and if you think that I can change then you're wrong."

"Then I'll change. I'll skip school, have more fun and blow off some of my responsibilities—"

"No no! See? I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only the kingdom turn on me but they turn on you!" She exclaimed.

"No! Don't quit us Mal!" I said giving her the ring. "The people love you, I love you. Don't you love me?"

There was a brief pause, she looked at the ring then places it back on my hand, closing it.

"I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you and what's best for Auradon." She said.

"No— Mal please." I said walking towards her and she took a step back away from me.

"Ben.... I-I can't do this." She said backing away from me. "You should go." I just stood there.

"Ben please! Just go." She demanded.

I walked out of her room feeling so many emotions. I wished I wouldn't have reacted the way I did when we had our picnic together. I wished Mal wouldn't quit Auradon and our relationship. Well, I guess we should find (y/n.) I hope she's more reasonable and willing to come back with us.

As I walked down the stairs I heard Evie asking where Mal is. "She's not coming back." I simply answered and walked away. I needed a moment, until I heard someone call my name. It sounded so familiar.

"Ben! Are you there?" I heard a feminine voice. I looked up and saw wait... is that (y/n)?

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" I said walking up to her. She looked kinda scared, I wonder why?

"Ben, what happened? How did you get here? And nice outfit." She complimented.

"Oh thanks! Long story sho—" then all of a sudden I felt someone grab me and put a damp cloth over my mouth and nose. I tried to fight back the more I inhaled the more lightheaded I felt. Before I fell asleep, all that came out of my mouth was, "(y-y-y/n)?" Then blacked out.

Harry's POV

Gil, the crew and I brought (y/n) with us to the alley where Mal's territory is at. She struggled a lot, but we threatened her to cooperate with us or she'll be shark chow, so she stopped and walked with us.

When we got there, we instructed (y/n) to stay out and call out to Ben so we could ambush him. "If you try anything, we'll make sure to hurt Ben and your friends. Got it?" I asked.

She glared at me then looked down. I assume it's a yes. Then when we heard Ben come out, I made the signal to (y/n) to lure Ben here and she did, looking casual just like we planned.

After she got Ben's attention, we used that chance to grab him and drug him. When he fully passed out, I ordered the crew to take him away. I then walked up to (y/n) caressing her face with my hook while the 2 boys grabbed her and tied her back up.

"Well done (y/n.)" she turned her face away. "Boys, take her back to the cell. Make sure she's chained, tied and secured." The boys put a bandana around her mouth and took her away as I leave to see Mal's gang.

As I walked I heard Evie and Carlos calling for Ben.

"Ugh, Ben don't scare us like that." Said Evie.

"Don't scare you? But that's my specialty hehe." I chuckled.

"Harry! What did you do with Ben?"

"Oh him? Uh we nicked him, mmhmm yeah. And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the chip shop tonight... alone. Uma wants to see her." I instructed.

I look at Jay, he didn't used to look so soft before, so I decided to tease him. "aw Jay... it seems like you lost your touch." I teased and he tried to go after me but Evie held him back. I laughed at him then looked at Carlos, barked at him and left. This plan is going to work! I thought to myself.

No One's POV

The VK's climbed up to Mal's room to talk to her. They explained what happened and about meeting with Uma.

"If you guys would've never brought him here none of this would have happened. What we're you thinking?!" Mal asked.

"He was going to come with or without us; we just wanted to protect him—"

"Yeah and we completely blew it guys." Interrupted Carlos.

"Okay okay, so what are we going to do?" Piped up Jay.

"We are not doing anything." The gang looked surprised at what Mal said. "This is between Uma and me. She's a punk! And guess what? I have to go and get him."

"Whoa whoa whoa Mal. You're still gonna have to go through Hook and his warf rats. You're gonna need us to come." Suggested Carlos.

"Uma said to come alone." Said Mal. The gang sighed and nodded their heads.

"Be careful Mal." Jay said.

"Guys, we should go look for (y/n) while we're waiting." Said Carlos. They all agreed and Mal told them where she's staying. If only they knew she's been captured too.

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