Looking Like A Villian

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(Y/n)'s POV

Mal and I went to so many places to shop for my clothes. I have never had this much fun since before I became president of the committee. All of the worries and stress were gone and that's all that matters.

I bought a black leather jacket along with my black knee length boots and black ripped up skinny jeans with a purple tank top that says "I can Handle this, have a nice day

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I bought a black leather jacket along with my black knee length boots and black ripped up skinny jeans with a purple tank top that says "I can Handle this, have a nice day." Logo. I was able to decorate my jacket with Pegasus on the back and a lightning bolt behind the horse to make it look fierce. Then I finished and put on my clothes.

"Now that's my nasty (y/n) I know." Mal complimented.

"You know it!" I said. She looks at my (h/l) (h/c) hair and ruffles it around.

"We're going to have to do something about that hair. I know just the place to go." She said. She grabs my arm and leads me to "Lady Tremaine's Curl Up & Dye" place.

I saw the sign that said closed until Midnight. "Uh Mal, it's closed until midnight." I reminded her.

"So?" She sassed.

"So.... uh hurry up or other people will start coming." I said trying to act bad. She chuckles and we went inside. We went through the splattered curtains and saw Dizzy sweeping and dancing to her music.

She finally looked up and her eyes widened in surprise. "Mal! (Y/n!) you're back" she came up to me and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Oh Dizzy I missed you!" I said. "Me too! It's been like forever!" She squealed.

"I know, too long." I said. "Is Evie back too?" She asked with hopeful shimmering eyes.

"As if." Mal replied. Dizzy's smile turns into a disappointment. "Well, at least (y/n) is here." She said.

"It's good to be back."

"So I forgot that you guys don't open until midnight. The place looks good."

"Hehe, so what's your deal? Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a witch here and there. Mostly a lot of scrubbing scouring and sweeping." She nods.

Mal chuckles, "Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment eh?"

"Yeah, she's gone from wicked stepmother to wicked grandmother." She complained.

"Not much of a switch huh." I said. She shook her head no. I feel bad for her, there are a lot of wicked parents who don't really care about their children. I guess I was lucky enough to have a mother who does care.

"So Dizzy, you used to do Evie right?" Mal asked.

"Yeah I thought of the little braids."

"Do you have any ideas for (y/n)? I'm trying to get her to fit in." said Mal. Dizzy looks at me and measures my face with her thumb and index finger.

"Your natural hair color with a bit of highlights? The best of no worlds. You can obviously tell you're not from around here." She said.

"Yeah it's like I don't belong here huh." I said nervously. "We can fix that." Mal said. I look over to Dizzy, "Do you think you can do my hair?" I asked.

She gasps, "me? You want me to do your hair?"

"Of course!"

"Okay, sit here." She squeals as she brought me to a chair to sit on. She looks at my ( f/n/p/c) (favorite nail polish color). "What is this? Bored to death (f/c)? How far can I go?"

"Well you know, as long as it feels like me and bad and sassy. Like my mom  but more bad ass if you know what I mean." I replied, "but make it worse."

"Yay!" She Screamed. She then did all the works, cut my hair, washed, dyed my hair into an auburn color first, then put a bit of purple in there. Then she blow dries and curls my hair and hair sprays it. Then did the finishing touches.

She turns me around and has me face a broken glass mirror. I looked and thought it was beautiful!

 I looked and thought it was beautiful!

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"Wow Dizzy, it looks great!" I said. "Voila!" She said. I reached into my pockets and gave her a ton of change.

"Really?! For me?!" She gasped.

"Yeah you definitely earned it." I said. She squealed and put the money in her cash register.

"Now my turn." Piped up Mal. As Mal sat on the chair, I thought about looking around the places here so I can be familiarized with myself and the isle.

"I'm going to walk around Mal. I'll be right back to see your style." I said.

"Stay out of trouble." She said.

"No promises, besides I can handle myself... have a nice day!" I turned around being sassy.

I walked out of the curl up and dye place and started to walk around. There are a bunch of losers and hobos and mean people around. Wow I miss this place!

As I walk around, I bumped into somebody. "Hey excuse you!" I Yelled.
He turns around, and glares at me and walks slowly up to me with his hook. Oh crap! It's Harry, Captain Hook's son.

"Why thank you for excusing me lassie." He says slyly. He puts his hook on my cheek and caresses it giving me shivers.

"You know that's not what I meant Harry." I said in a cold tone.

"Oh, you're a feisty one aren't ya?" But then pauses to take a good look at me. I gulped in fear as he reads my shirt.

"No way! (Y/n)? Is it truly you?" He asks. I just glared at him.

"What are you doing here? You didn't come alone did you?"

"What's it to you?" I ask.

He growls, "wait till Uma finds out that you're here. She's going to be surprise when I tell her." He says continuing to stroke my hair with his hook.

I whacked his hook away, "can it codfish junior or should I say Pirate Boy?" Pulling his leg.

He growls and walks away then stops to turn around. "You're going to get what's coming to you lassie!" He Yells then walks away. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the shop.

The thought kept coming to my mind about what he said the last part. Get what's coming to me? The thought of it gives me goosebumps, what does that supposed to mean?

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