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-I can't feel anymore

You made me feel like [I] wasn't worth the fight.
You made me question my own worth when I saw how quick you were to let go.
I somehow [can't] deny the fact that you also made the happiest by letting me in and caring for me, I knew you weren't really into people, and preferred to be alone.

See, that's the thing about you, you made me feel things, and that is exactly what you took when you walked out of my life. I felt so empty without you, and if I were to put my pride aside, I'd say that I still [feel] that way, and I'll probably feel the same tomorrow, and the day after it, until I find some remedy to your absence.

Perhaps it'll take countless people to forget all about you, the closest thing I had to a first love.
There's also the possibility that I'll meet that one person, that I'm meant to cross paths with after I put all my focus on my healing and personal growth, and I'll get to feel the same emotions again.

But see, the difference between the two of you, will be that he'll know my worth. He'll never fail to make me feel loved and appreciated for all that I am. And when that happens, you'll suddenly become a distant memory that I barely remember [anymore].
[I can't feel anymore]

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