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-The last daydream of us.

I let myself wonder, drown in my overthinking for the last time, just to imagine an alternative ending with you in my life. We almost made it together, and it felt like you were the only person that mattered, even after you left me. An alternative beautiful ending like the spring flowers of mother nature, sharing warm and soft feelings like hot chocolate and fuzzy blankets in winter, constantly falling for each other like autumn leaves, and sharing a love bright like the summer sun. A Hollywood kind of ending where everything seems just perfect, where you can finally relax and enjoy the music playing while the screen displays the actors names. An ending I'll never have no matter how many times I make it my 11:11 wish at night, making myself believe that the stars might shine for us one night, and the night sky would display an amazing firework we'll always remember. Sadly, all I can remember, returning to the cold reality of the circumstances, is what really happened, how ruthless and heartbreaking it really is, and most importantly how overwhelmingly real it all feels when it hits me like a brick. This is a reality I can't change or forget, the kind of bittersweet ending that I'll remember for a lifetime, for it is engraved in my soul.

I'd love to hear your opinion about my book so far!

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