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-Passionate soul.

One of the most fulfilling in this life is the journey of self-discovery. I believe everything in life leads you to this road, whether it's through uncomfortable situations or signs, you're destined to find your voice, and your truth. When you let go of the goal to fit in and be perfect, you start embracing the real version of yourself.   

One of the things that surprised me the most, was the way I managed to find strength in my pain. I had many feelings to express, and created the needed space for them to exist.  I found contentment in my art, embraced by creative energy and endless ways to express what my soul had to say.

I started writing to unburden myself from the chaos of my emotions, only to find out it was my calling, the language in which I translated my soul. Soon after that, I found strength in sharing my pain through my art, because my voice was heard clearly for the first in years. Not only were my words appreciated and heard, but it was a way to connect with others through shared pain. 

Words had a huge impact and I had a space where I could be the narrator of my own story, the captain of my boat. I had found purpose in words, and connected with people more than I ever thought possible. Nothing is better than reading words that speak to your soul.

I found my passion for art through my crafts and drafts, and suddenly all the hurt and pain I experienced for years made sense. Everything in my life led to this moment, for me to find a voice, and a community. 

My advice to anyone willing to listen would be, find what makes your soul truly happy, and do just that. There is nothing more powerful than being authentic to yourself. Let passion and inspiration lead your life, until there is no more space for fear and hate.

Roses And Thorns (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now