☹ First "I Love You"

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Your POV

"Come with me," Patrick mumbles, holding out his hands to me. I laugh as he pulls me to my feet, his teasingly exhausted expression making me playfully punch him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, running my hands up and down his forearm subconsciously. He kisses my forehead before leading me down a dirt path behind my house. "Are you going to kill me?"

"I just might if you don't shut up for a minute," he responds, biting my lip when he leans down to quickly kiss me. A light mist settles over Derry and we can hardly see where we're going. "Almost there," his deep voice says into my ear. When Patrick's footsteps abruptly stop, I turn to look for him.

"Pat?-" I scream when a pair of large hands grab me by my sides and pull me against them. "Not funny!" I yell, pushing him back by his chest. Before he can disappear into the mist again, I grab the collar of his open shirt and pull it back towards me. His lips curl up into a smile as he presses a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Can I tell you something," he said, the question coming out as more of a statement.

"Of course," I yelp when I accidentally trip on a root.

"Hey, be fucking careful!" He seethes, catching me by my waist before I hit the floor. "You're precious cargo," he adds cheekily.

"Sorry," I murmur, savoring the feeling of his strong arms around me.


"Patrick..." I say with a confused expression.

"I love you," he says and pulls me to a stop. The corners of my mouth pull up into a smile and for some reason my heart hurts. The sound of the three words I'd been yearning to hear from him echoed in my head. His face was completely serious, the eyes I had fallen in love with staring at me as though I was the only thing he could see. I rush forward and wrap my arms around Patrick, holding him close.

"Um... you have something you want to say to me too?" He adds, looking down at me with a slightly nervous face.

"Oh gosh, I completely forgot I didn't say anything back. I love you too, Patrick. I love you so much". When I look up at him and make eye contact, my face flushes.

"You're so cute". He leans down and kisses my nose before leading me back out of the woods and to my front step.

"Do you want to come up?" I ask while opening my front door. He nods his head but walks down the steps. "Patrick, where are you going?" I giggle as he walks around the side of my house.

"I find it much more exciting when I have to climb through your bedroom window," he comments casually. I close my front door, lock it, then run to my bedroom to let him in. When I open the window, Patrick is stood there, a devilish smile on his face. "Hey there, Juliet".

"Hey there, Romeo".

Patrick Hockstetter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now