☹ Don't Wanna Be Your Friend

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Your POV

The school bell rings, signaling us that the hell hole was once again releasing us. I snatch up my bag and race to the parking lot where the Bowers gang would be impatiently waiting for me.

"Where were you?" Patrick asks sighing.

"Sorry, the teacher wouldn't let us go until we handed in our sheets," I reply, grunting as I throw my bag into the back seat.

"Aye! Be careful, Amy's not feeling so well," Belch scolds me.

"Sorry, Belch," I hold up my hands in defense and squeal when a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and lift me up.

"Babygirl," the person whines into my ear.

"Oh my gosh, Jakey!" I turn and kiss my boyfriend Jake excitedly. I hear Patrick scoff from behind me and I pull away.

"You catching a cold?" Jake asks at Patrick before slapping my ass playfully.

"No, just allergic to pricks," Patrick mumbles, rolling his eyes as I reach back into the car to grab my bag. "Where do you think you're going?" he whispers into my ear as I brush past him.

"Patrick," I give him the 'I'm-about-to-get-some-dick' look and he leans against the car without another word. "See ya," I give him a weird look but he won't make eyes contact with me.

 "See ya," I give him a weird look but he won't make eyes contact with me

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"Come on, slow poke," Jake groans, pointing to his watch. I look at Patrick, waiting for him to say bye but he refuses to.

"Fine, bye loser," I walk back over to Patrick, place my hands on his shoulders, and stand on my tippy-toes to press a playful kiss to his cheek. As I lower myself to my normal height, his shocked eyes lock with mine.

 As I lower myself to my normal height, his shocked eyes lock with mine

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"Later," he murmurs. I feel Jake pull me away and I turn to look at the Bowers gang as I walk away, Patrick's eyes trained on me the entire time.

"Why'd you have to kiss that douche?" Jake asks, squeezing my hip hard.

"Ow! He's my best friend, it wasn't romantic," I reason, kissing him as we get into his car.

"Let's just go".

Patrick Hockstetter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now