☹ You Die

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Your POV

"You think I love you or some shit?!" Patrick screams, pushing me back roughly. His eyes were red from crying and his body racked with sobs. After two years of dating, I was used to this behavior. Patrick would endure flashbacks of his traumatic past, push me away and then cry in my arms, begging me to stay. Something felt different about this one.

"I'm not going anywhere," I say, keeping as calm as I could.

"What don't you understand about I DON'T LOVE YOU!" he shouts, throwing random items from his shelves at me until I let out a scream. I look down and see that I'm bleeding. Patrick stops and watches with horrified eyes as I look down at my arm, where a letter opener has cut open the skin. It was only a surface wound but it bled like it had an endless supply. "Y/N-" he steps towards me but I back towards the door leading to the outside.

"Don't touch me," I look around, too shocked to try and stop the bleeding. I stumble down the steps, Patrick following close behind. Snow begins to drop from the sky in sheets, coating me and Patrick in its iciness. He stares up at the skin, and I can see the hurt and innocence of his eyes.

"Y/N, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry I'm so fucked up," he cries, looking back at me and quickly raising his hands up as though to steady a wild animal.

"I have to.. go," completely unaware of my surroundings, the blood continuing to drip and land on the snow.I felt like an animal, Patrick my patient killer.

I felt like an animal, Patrick my patient killer

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"Y/N!" Patrick screams suddenly. I turn but it's too late. My body feels crushed as I'm sent flying through the air. Blackness fills my vision but I can imagine his face. A beautiful, horrified look cast on his handsome features. And there he was, running forward, nearly being hit himself. I couldn't move and my eyes began to grow heavy as he crouched in front of me.

Patrick's POV

I was too late. I watched as her body flipped, the car lurching to a stop. Her eyes seemed to be looking at me as she was flung. I swear my heart stopped when I finally saw her collapse onto the snowy ground. Fuck, why did I hesitate- why did I hurt her. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I jump over the hood of the car and fall next to her, lifting her gently from under the smoking car.

 I jump over the hood of the car and fall next to her, lifting her gently from under the smoking car

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Patrick Hockstetter ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now