☹ Mini Imgn: Distracting him

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A/N: I must be a terrible person because when I see comments about how my story makes you guys cry I kinda smile to myself for having made you feel something while reading it.

Your POV

It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon in Derry, Maine. The summer was here and we were soaking in it's presence like the sun. We'd already swum three times today, Patrick still just in his skull boxers and me in my tank top and mini shorts. Patrick was now doing some "work," in his bedroom which meant I had to busy myself.

"Baby?" I look over at Patrick, whose burning a dead slug on his desk.

"Yes, baby?" he mimics, looking over at me from where he's kneeling.

"Will you come here please?" I hold out my arms and he sighs, walking towards me with a smirk on his face. When he interlaces our fingers I pull him down onto the bed, pressing myself into his lap. "Why the hell'd you do that?" he laughs, catching his breath after the sudden movement.

"I wanted you," I say in a whiney voice.

"I can see that," he rubs his hands up and down on my thighs. "But listen, Y/N, you're distracting me," he mumbles in a scolding voice.

"I wasn't aware," I tease, fake gasping. He smacks my butt playfully and pushes me off his lap.

"Get dressed. We're going to the fridge for this little guy," he points at the slug and bites my shoulder lightly. I jump up as he tosses me my white dress and throws on a shirt and jeans. When we finally reach the woods, Patrick turns toward me with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Okay, listen here, you naughty girl. If you let me get through freezing the dead slug, I'll go for another swim with you". I can't help but smile at his attempt to strike a deal with me.

 I can't help but smile at his attempt to strike a deal with me

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"Oh, yeah?" I try to kiss him but he stops me.

"Baby, I'm serious," he adds, trying hard not to smile. Patrick playing along with me was the cutest thing I'd seen. The way his eyes captured mine as he spoke, the way he called me baby to make fun of other couples who always said it. I sit under a tree as he tosses the burnt creature in the fridge.

"You're gonna have to raise that prize by the way," I smile, glancing at his lips, and wanting so badly to kiss them. He sits next to me and pretends to think deeply.

"Two kisses?"

"Fine but I want one now and one later". Patrick chuckles at my response and rests his hands on my shoulders, giving me a playful, sloppy kiss. I groan and pull my book out, flipping to the page I'd left off on.

Patrick smiles and rests a hand on my thigh, watching the fridge with focused eyes.

"Hey, you're distracting me!" I mock, wiggling my legs so that his hand fell off. He looks at me and breaks into a laugh, kissing my temple as I start reading again.

"My apologies, m'lady".

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