☹ Trick (Arkangel)

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A/N: you already know I had to drop a sad imagine on you guys. You've had your happy break </3


Your POV

To say that I liked Trick was an understatement. Each time he passed me my heart set on fire, a warm feeling that I never wanted to end. His eyes, his minty breath, even things as simple as his damn skin sent me reeling.

"Are you listening, Y/N?" Trick waves hand in front of my face, smiling.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I just..." I trail off and know that even an idiot could see how much I liked him.

"So my buddies are having a little beach get together and I thought you should go," he says.

"Oh, totally," god I sound so desperate, "I mean, if I can find time I'll drop by".

Trick looks around and stares at my friend Sara. "Hey, if you could tell Sara to come too, that'd be dope," he adds, slapping my locker gently. I nod my head and he playfully punches my shoulder, "thanks guppy," he laughs and walks away.

My heart flutters hearing him use my pet name, guppy

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My heart flutters hearing him use my pet name, guppy.

Flashback: 8 years old

"Jump on in, Y/N!" Trick yells, watching as I jump from the cliff and disappear under the surface of the dark water. I realized too late I couldn't swim, frantically hoping I'd make it back to the top somehow. I strain against the water, panicking as my vision begins to get spotty.

"I've got you!" Trick yells, and I feel his fingers brushing my hair from my face. I'm on land again. "You blacked out. Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?"

"You said you only swam with big fishes but I don't want you to stop swimming with me," I reply, coughing up some water. Trick laughs and slaps my back thinking that'd help me cough up more of the water.

"Yeah I did. But I'll always swim with you, even if you are a guppy, Y/N. You're my guppy!" he says cheerfully.

I arrive at the beach, me and my friends all piling out of the van.

"Need a hand," Trick asks. I turn to accept when I see he's talking not talking to me, but to Sara.

"Thanks," she giggles as he grabs her waist to help her down. I mean come on, it was a twelve-inch drop, she couldn't have done it herself?! I scoff quietly and stalk over to my best friend Arrietta.

"You good?" she asks, patting the seat next to her.

"Oh yeah, just peachy," I reply. Arrietta's boyfriend, Henry, leans forward and ruffles my hair.

"Don't worry. Trick ain't into her, Y/N," Henry says, wrapping a hand around her waist. I smile in response and get up.

"Where are you going?" Arrietta looks up at me with an incredulous look.

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