Chapter 4: Practice

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I waited for Hinata to come to school, and he arrived at 04.55 a.m. We tried opening the gym's doors, but they were locked.

"This isn't surprising but, the door is locked..." Hinata whined.

"Then, we'll look for a window to enter through." I replied, trudging towards the left side of the building to see if any of the gym's windows are open.

"That'll be bad if we're seen, stupid!" Hinata retorted,  panic apparent in his voice.

"Aah, 5 a.m. is tough... it's still dark." A voice interjected us.

It's Tanaka-san.

He grinned while showing us the key to the gym, and said, "Can you finish by 7?"

We're saved. We thanked him, and he asked us to call him "senpai". We entered the gymnasium, then start practicing receives. An hour later... Hinata's receives still haven't improved; it sucks as usual.

"Hey! don't just stop!" I scolded Hinata. "Where did your serve-receiving skills from yesterday go?! Concentrate, sucker!!"

"Urgh, if all we do is pass.. We'll run out of time!!" Hinata compained. "I also want to practice jumping and spiking damn it!!"

We both argued, but then Tanaka-san interrupted us. He told us that Daichi-san is usually kind, but really scary when he's mad. Also, if he found out about the practice this morning, Tanaka-san would get into big trouble.
"Well, what I'm trying to say is, this morning session is our little secret." Tanaka-san reminded. "As well as the night session."

"Hey! So you're practicing now aren't you!" a familiar voice exclaimed. " Yo."

"S-Suga-san?!!" Tanaka-san exclaimed, surprised to see Sugawara-san, our senior. "How come..."

Sugawara-san explained about Tanaka-san acting obviously weird yesterday and told us that he won't tell Daichi-san about this morning practice. He helped us practice as well. I practiced my tosses with Tanaka-san spiking my ball. For Hinata, he practiced receiving with Sugawara-san. When practicing, Hinata got distracted by Tanaka-san's spikes and got jealous.

"Hinata, don't look that way!" Sugawara-san warned him, as the ball hit him right on his head.

"I want to spike too! Toss me one!" Hinata complained. "You really like tossing right?! Then toss for me too! Just one ok? Let me try just once! How about it?"

"No way!" I replied bluntly.

Hinata argued with me. Then, I explained to him why I wouldn't send him any tosses. It's because he couldn't even do any serve receives. I said that he's too slow in receiving, so he can't take my tosses. I told him that I'll be tossing to Tanaka-san in the three-on-three match in Saturday. Hinata just need to do his best to drag us down.

"If... If I can receive the ball in a way that you're happy with..." Hinata asked with determination. "Will you toss to me as well?"

"...If it's someone who can help us 'win', I'd toss to anyone. During a game, if it's absolutely necessary to toss to you, I will do so." I explained. "But, I never thought, that you were necessary for us to win."

"Besides, improving your 'receive' isn't as easy as you think." I continued, and I could hear Tanaka-san and Sugawara-san talking to each other. "Well, I've wasted enough time. Let's leave it at that."

I could see frustration in Hinata's face. We cleaned the gym, and headed to our respective classes.


I entered my class, and sat on my chair. My table is right next to the window, so I could see the view outside. Then, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Ah, Kageyama-kun, you're here!" A girl said.

I looked back towards the place where the voice came from, and Sakurai-san stood there.

"Sakurai-san? Why're you here?" I asked.

"Did you forget? I'm your classmate." She replied. "I've been sitting beside you since yesterday. Didn't you realize?"

I never realized that she was in my class, nor the fact that she sat next to me. Since class started yesterday, all I ever do is sleep in class, so I never knew about it.

"Anyways, I'm looking forward for your care." she said.

"Same here." I replied.

"Ok, students, please go back to your seats, I'm checking the attendance." a teacher entered our class and started checking the attendance, then began our lessons.

I looked out of the window; my gaze meeting the pastel pink petals of the sakura trees at the courtyard. The windows are opened, so the gentle breeze made me feel sleepy. I crossed my hands, then leaned my head above them. I closed my eyes and felt a soft hand stroking my hair and faintly hear a person talking.

"He's so cute when he's sleeping." The person mumbled.

Then, I fell into deep sleep.


"Hmnnn..." I mumbled. When I woke up from my deep sleep, it's already lunch break. I went outside to buy a carton of yogurt. Then, I caught a glimpse of Hinata practicing his receives with Sugawara-san, and heard their conversation.

"Are you playing volleyball so that you can defeat Kageyama?" Sugawara-san asked Hinata.

That guy... He's even practicing during lunch break.

"Um... I want to... be as strong as someone who can beat Kageyama." Hinata answered. "Then I can definitely play against other opponents on equal footing!"

"I won't lose so easily!" he continued. "I... don't want to lose anymore!"


Time passes so quickly, it's already Wednesday. We continued practicing Hinata's receives. He surely had improved since 2 days ago. I kept on thinking about giving Hinata tosses, and whether me giving him tosses will be necessary for us win. My mind is filled with a lot of things.

"What's wrong, Kageyama-kun?" Sakurai-san, who's sitting beside me asked. "You look like you have a lot in your mind."

"Does my face really show it?" I asked her.

"Yeah, your face looks really grim." she answered. "If you have a problem, you can tell me."

I thought about it for a while. I guess it's ok to tell her about this problem.

"You know, what will you do if there's a person you never acknowledged, although he's talented, but doesn't how to use it, and he tries so hard to improve his receives and asked me to toss to him, when I don't really think that this person is really necessary to 'win'. What would you do about that person?" I asked her.

"Well, I don't really get the receive and toss thing, but, I get your point." she answered. "If I were you, I would've given that person a second chance. Wouldn't you do the same?"

Her words struck me. Give Hinata a second chance, huh.

"Thanks for you opinion, Sakurai-san." I thanked her.

"You're welcome." she replied.

Break time's over, and we continued our classes. When classes are over, we practiced receives again. Both after school and night sessions.

Kageyama's impression on Hinata started to change. Will Kageyama accept Hinata and give him tosses?

"As long as I'm here, you're invincible." - Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou.

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