Chapter 22: Arrival

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"We've finally arrived!!! Hello, Hokkaidooo!!!"

The yellow haired shouted as soon as he got off the train. After the long trip, they finally arrived at Sapporo station. 

"Y'know, sometimes I doubt the fact that Fujikage is our class president." Eito, who was walking beside a raven-haired with blue orbs uttered.

"What do you mean?" Kageyama asked. "We were all watching when the teacher assigned him as a class president."

"No, what I mean is... I mean-look at that guy! He's loud, has yellow hair, like, wouldn't class presidents be those type of people who is calm, smart, with black hair, and glasses? Those nerdy type of guys? For example, like Tsukishima from class 4!"

"Tsukishima has blonde hair though." The raven-haired corrected.

"Ah, right. Well every criteria except for the blonde hair."

"That's just a stereotype you made, you dumbass." A voice popped out from the back of their heads. They turned their head back and found two girls behind them a black-haired girl and brown-haired girl. 

The raven-haired flinched as he made eye contact with the brunette, and turned his head away unconsciously.

Shit, why did I turn my head?

Kageyama looked back at the girl and found her looking somewhere else with lifeless eyes.

God dammit, what to do now?

"What do you mean 'a stereotype'?" Eito questioned, bringing his attention back to the topic.

"Are you stupid?" Koshiro, the black-haired girl sneered. "Can't you even judge what criteria a class president needs to have? It's not being smart, calm, having black hair or wearing glasses, it's responsibility, you dumbass. Out of all the students in our class, Fujikage is the most responsible on our class, y'know."

"Alright, alright, I get it. So, stop nagging." The guy whined, and walked away from them.

"Oi, where are you going?" Kageyama asked the brown-haired guy.



"Alright kids, we will be staying here over the night. For now, go to your designated rooms and rest. We'll gather again at 3 PM today in this very lobby." Class 1-3's homeroom teacher announced. Thereafter, the students separated from each other and went to their own rooms.

"Oi, Kageyama, some girls are gonna come to our room in a while. No issues right?" Eito, who was his roommate together with Fujikage and Inozaki asked.

The raven-haired frowned. He wanted to have a good rest without anyone disturbing, however that seems to be impossible because his roommates have already made plans on having fun with the girls.

He sighed.

"Suit yourself." The raven-haired shrugged, and went out of the room with a volleyball in his hand.

Kageyama pressed the elevator button and went to the first floor of the inn. He walked around the garden to find a spot to practice. After walking for some time, he found an empty grassland.

"This should be good."

In a moment, he threw his ball to the air and juggled the ball. Doing the basic steps of receiving. After a while, he stopped.

"Man, this is boring..." he whined. "Let's just go back to the room."


Kageyama has three things that he values the most in his life. First is, of course, volleyball.

"Huh? You're back already?"

The clean and tidy room that he saw about 30 minutes ago turned into a giant shipwreck. Snacks scattered around everywhere, the pillows and blankets were out of place as well.

Despite how he looks, Kageyama values tidiness. He really hates it when things get untidy. Especially if its something that he will be using or is his.

"What do you think you're doing?" The raven-haired raged.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Last but not the least, he extremely values...

Kageyama pointed out to the carton of milk Eito was sipping. "MY MILK!!!!"

Yes, milk. Or to put it in a broader category, dairy products.

"Ah, right. Sorry, I was feeling thirsty." Eito just shrugged it off, without even apologizing. "By the way, wanna join us? We're playing the 'King' game, y'know."

"Yeah, right. Join us, Kageyama!" Koshiro added.

The raven-haired stared at his group of friends in disgust.


Just then, he noticed something odd.

Hm? Koshiro-san is here, so why is Sakurai-san not here? Is she perhaps sick? They would usually stick together though... Huh? Wait, why do I care? Why am I so bothered by her?

The raven-haired chased away those thoughts and looked around the room. He discovered a small room where he can rest peacefully without anyone disturbing. He opened the door and checked the room.

"Fujikage, I'm gonna sleep. wake me up when it's time to leave."

"Okay, rest well."

Kageyama entered the room and slept on the soft futon on the floor.


"Kageyama... Kageyama!" a loud voice interrupted his sleep.

"Hng... What...?"

"Wake up, it's time to go now."

"Hmm... 5 more minutes..."

Fujikage stood up and called the other guys. 


They splashed cold water on his face which immediately woke him up from his slumber.

"Oi! Are you crazy? Waking someone up by splashing cold water on their face?!"

"Hey, its not like we have a choice, we need to get going now." Inozaki defended themselves.

"Yeah, wake up now, let's go." Eito agreed and walked out of the room.

"Sorry about that, here, wipe your face with this." Fujikage handed him a small towel.

Kageyama took it and immediately wiped his face with it. He stood up and went out of the room with the other guys to the lobby, where the other kids have already gathered.

"Well then, since everyone's gathered already, I'll tell you the plans for today." The teacher announced. From now on until 7 PM, you can explore Sapporo with your groupmates and remember that you will write a trip journal at the end of the day so don't go to any places that would get you in trouble. By 7 PM, come back to the inn and have dinner in your own rooms. Dinner will be provided by us. Lights off at 10 PM. That's all. You're dismissed!"

Kageyama gathered with his groupmates, Fujikage, Koshiro, and Sakurai.

"So guys, according to the plan we made, we will be going to the Sapporo Beer Museum for now, any objections?"

"Uh... I have a suggestion."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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