Chapter 15: Before Golden Week

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"All of you representatives have done well during the trial period, however only 3 people will be chosen for the official member of the student council."

Sakurai's expression stiffened. She had worked hard ever since she first applied as a student representative last April. Deep inside praying that all her hard work wouldn't go to waste.

"I will announce the members now." Takamura, the current student council president spoke in a loud voice. "Secretary, second year, Tsubaki Kai."

A chill ran down Sakurai's spine. Cold sweat running through her head, what if I'm not chosen? She bit her lips.

"Assistant Secretary, second year, Minagawa Chie. And lastly..."

She closed her eyes, praying like a madman.

"Treasurer, second year, Ishikawa Minato."

"Are these line-up okay, Nakagawa-san?" Takamura asked the former student council president for his approval.

"Looks fine to me."

"Alright, then. Does anyone have any complaints?"

Someone raised her hand, a second year student, Ogura Ashira.

"Yes, Ogura-san?"

"I'm just wondering, why isn't Sakurai-chan chosen as an official member?"

Sakurai's mood grew dark as soon as she heard that question. Somehow she felt irritated, but then she too, would like to hear the reason for that.

"Umm... the new committee will have a meeting now, so can we ask everyone to leave?"

'What's with that, why is he avoiding the question?'

"Now, now, please leave the room, everyone."

Before she can hear the reason why she was not choosen, Sakurai got kicked out of the room. On one side, she was happy for her senpais who got the position. On another side, she was disappointed and frustrated that she was not chosen. Especially when the president avoided to answer why she was not chosen.

She took out her phone, and called a number. After a few minutes, the call was answered.

"Hello? Hajime-nii. Can you treat me some ice cream right now?"

"What? I can't. I'm busy with practice right now." The spiky-haired guy answered.

"Iwaizumi! What are you doing? Hurry up and go back to practice!"

A scolding voice can be heard from the other side of the phone call.

"Sorry, coach! I'll be there!" Iwaizumi apologized. "Sorry, Hana, I gotta go now, bye."

He called off the call, going back to practice. Sakurai let out a sigh.

"What should I do now?" She looked up at the orange sky with lifeless eyes.

'I didn't manage to enter the student council... what a bummer. Should I just join a club? But I don't think joining a club would be very productive. Maybe I should get a part-time job.'

She strolled around the school for a while, and then arrived at the school gate. She can't cry over spilled milk. No, more like she doesn't have time to. Sakurai stepped out of the school gate with determined eyes.

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