Chapter 8: She's only a Classmate!

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"So, Kageyama, don't you think you owe us an explanation?" Tanaka-san said as he smirked.

"Yeah-Yeah Kageyama-kun tell us about her!!" Hinata teased. "What's your relationship with... umm... Sakurai-san wasn't it? Come on don't be shy ufufufufu..!"

In an instant, everyone (except for Shimizu-senpai) started to look at me with a teasing face, their eyes filled with curiosity. So unpleasant..., I thought.

"Like I told you, we're only classmates! CLASSMATES!!" I exclaimed. "What else would we be?"

"Eyy, you're obviously lying," Hinata teased. "I mean you're blushing so hard just now and now you tell us that you're just classmates? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Your brain is the one who's not making sense!" I retorted. "It's only been a week since we started school, and you're saying that by that one week I've already fallen in love with someone or have a girlfriend which I've only known for a week? You should get your brain checked!"

After I said that, everyone grew speechless. They thought about it for a while and frustratingly nodded in agreement, except for one person, which is Tsukishima.

"That's not exactly true," Shimizu-senpai interrupted, looking at me. Everyone looked at her in surprise, including me. "falling in love just comes naturally, there's no specific time needed to fall in love."

The entire gym grew silent, my mind went blank. Those words hit my head hard. Burst! A bursting sound surprised me. I then realized that Tanaka-san, Sugawara-san, and Daichi-san were bursting with tears.

"Kiyoko-san is... To witness Kiyoko-san talking about love!" Tanaka-san wailed in happiness. "I truly am the luckiest person in this world!!!"

"Shimizu..!!!" Daichi-san and Sugawara-san cried in unison, while Shimizu-senpai blushed and ran away from the gym in embarassment. Which turned everyone's attention at me again.

"You heard her right Kageyama?" Tanaka-san said proudly. "Tell us the truth, we'll support you!"

"That is the truth!" I screamed, with an angry looking face. "We are just classmates! CLASSMATES!!"

Everyone looked at me in surprise, then I realized what I just did which panicked me.

"I'm sorry Tanaka-san, I didn't mean to yell at you." I apologized immediately to him.

"Ah... It's okay, I guess I teased you too much. I'm sorry." the bald-headed person replied. Also apologizing.

Daichi-san realized that Shimizu-senpai has returned inside and clapped his hands twice to gather our attention.

"That's enough now, Shimizu, it's ready right?" Daichi-san asked her about something.

The glasses-girl then nodded and went to the storage and came out with a box. She then took out a black jacket, at the back of the jacket was embroidered with the writing 'Karasuno High School Volleyball Club'. I can see Hinata's eyes filled with excitement.

She gave all the first-years a jacket and said, "Tell me if the size is too small, I'll get a bigger size for you."

"Try putting it on!" Daichi-san uttered, as all of us stared at the black jacket, then wearing it. "As I thought it fits you guys... Now, three-and-four-"


Thereafter we started our first practice as official club members.


Today's practice ended and I was on my way home. Thinking about the news Takeda-sensei brought us just before we were dismissed.

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