Chapter 20: Scene

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The sound of an opening door entered the ears of a brown-haired girl. She entered the room and closed the door, then jumped into her bed, lying down, without lighting the room.

"What was that just now?"

Sakurai recalled the accident that happened earlier.



Sakurai's POV

I can feel a hand pulling the plastic bag i held on my left hand. Surprised, I immediately let go of it, then realized that Kageyama-kun took it. Helping me carry it.

I tried getting the plastic bag back, but the raven-haired insisted on carrying for me. Instead of agreeing, I felt bad because it feels like I'm bothering him. I don't really like owing people, so I insisted on getting it back.

He played a joke on me. He raised the plastic back up high, saying "try taking it away from me."

Damn you. I cursed inside. Our height difference is clearly visible, he's probably in his 180s, while I'm about 160-something. Not wanting to bother him, I tried snatching the plastic bag away, but ended up falling to the road.

I can feel a source of light pointing out at me. And the loud sound of a car honking filled my ears. I turned my head to the source of the sound. A car approaching at a fast speed.

Just then, a scene appeared in my head. A car approaching, and a figure of a little girl, exposed to a blinding light a car. As if it was a movie scene.

Once I realized that I was about to hit by a car, by reflex, I crouched and hit my head with both hands. The car stopped right before it hit me.

On one side, I'm shocked. Well who wouldn't? I almost died. But at the same time, I was relieved, that the car did not hit me. However, the scene just now didn't leave my head. Like an alarm that keeps on ringing, disturbing my thoughts.


Third Person POV

"Could it be..." she muttered.

Something came to her mind, her eyes widened. She immediately stood up and turned the light on. She stood in front of the door and grabbed the door knob. Before she could progress further. She stopped.

"No, I shouldn't ask them about it..."

Sakurai changed her mind, turned back and sat on her desk, then she scribbled some things on a paper.



"Alright kids, time's up! Hand in your papers now!"

Screams of panic, grunt, and joy filled the whole classroom. A week went by and the final exam is finally over. With summer break approaching in a blink of an eye, students started to gather around planning things to enjoy their holiday.

Kageyama made an stern face. Although he did his best, but he still can't help but worry about the results that will decide his departure to Tokyo.

"Children. Settle down now, I'm not done yet."

Not hearing the teachers' words. The students kept on chattering as they gather with their friends.

"Children." The teacher repeated, starting to get irritated.

Again, the students could not hear her voice, as the sound of chattering is louder then the voice of the teacher calling for attention.

"CHILDREEEN!!!" A voice filled with annoyance and irritation thundered throughout the whole class. Calling the attention of all the students. "Get back to your seat. NOW!"

The students immediately ran towards their desk, and sat down. The teacher smirked.

"Okay, for now congrats on finishing your final exams. You will be having a one-week break as the teachers will be spending our time checking your results." She began talking.

"You'll still have classes the week after, then it will be summer break. Your report cards will be given on monday the week after next week. For those of you who failed to pass some exams, prepare for the summer class." The teacher continued.

"EHHH.... no fun!!!"


Whines of students can be heard here and there, a raven-haired flinched when he heard the word 'summer class', slowly drenched in cold sweat.

"Also." The teacher added, capturing all the students' attention. "Your school trip will commence right after you come back from summer break. So make sure to get your parents' signature on whether you will be going to the school trip or not on Monday. We'll decide on the teams later. Fujikage, help me distribute these."

She took a bundle of paper from the teacher's table and handed it to a yellow-haired student, who is the class president. Before distributing them, Fujikage read the contents.

"WHOA! Sensei, seriously?? The school trip is to Hokkaido???" He exclaimed, confirming the contents of the paper he read.

"What, Hokkaido??"

"Really? No way!"

"Hey, its not funny to joke like that, Hibiki!"

Comments and reactions filled the whole classroom.

"It's as you have seen. Now then, you're dismissed!"

The teacher left the room.


The whole class screamed in unison.

"I mean, Hokkaido? Seriously??"

"OMG I'm so glad I came to Karasuno!"

"Hey, are you going?"

"Who wouldn't? I mean, its Hokkaido!"

While the whole class chattered in excitement, Kageyama packed up all his things and was about to go out, before someone stopped him.

"Kageyama! Wait, you haven't received your paper yet!" Fujikage yelled.

"Ah, I don't need it."

The whole class went silent. Not believing what they have just heard.

"Sorry, I think I heard you wrong. What did you say again?"

"I said I don't need it."

"Huh? You're not planning on going?"


"Why?? Its none other than Hokkaido!"

"The spring tournament qualification is 3 weeks right after the school trip. Might as well use that 5 days and 4 nights for practice." Kageyama said with a straight face.

The students stared at him with a shocked expression on their faces.

"Ah right, he's a volleyball nerd."

"Boo-! No fun!"

Some classmates began to comment. Fujikage approached Kageyama and handed the paper.

"Even so, you need to take this and get your parents' sign whether you'll be joining or not. Also, in case you change your mind."

Kageyama sighed. He took the paper and departed from the classroom.

"There are some flowers you can only see when you take detours." - Tanaka Saeko.

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