Chapter 9: Practice Match - 1

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"Oi!! Kageyama Tobio!!"


I was lost in thought, thinking of how the practice match with Aoba Jousai would be like. Thinking how to beat... Oikawa.

"What? So you're daydreaming?" The teacher frowned. "And here I thought that you were actually paying attention to the lesson?"

"Eh? I'm sorry."

"If you're sorry, then come up here and answer this question."

The teacher called me up front and handed me a white chalk. No way to refuse, I walked up front, took the chalk, and read the question.

'Fill in the blanks'

'Hayate opened the door and _____ the name of the person inside.' Serve? Toss? Smacked? What?

I thought of the answer for a little while, and then wrote a word on the board.


".....Are you serious, Kageyama-kun?"

The whole class burst to laughter. I wonder what's wrong.

"Be quiet!" She yelled at the class.

"Is there anything wrong, Sensei?" I asked innocently, not knowing what's wrong.

"I asked you to fill in the blanks with the words 'call', 'calls', 'called', or 'calling', and you answer what? 'Spiked'??" Sensei raged, the temperature around her seems to be getting hotter.

I glanced back at the question again with blank eyes, and looked at the teacher. Then I bowed,

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Once again, the whole class laughed.

"Lol, Kageyama, do you only have volleyball in your mind?"

"I never knew Kageyama was this funny!"

I looked at the whole class, everyone was laughing, I wonder why. Then I glanced at my seat-mate, Sakurai-san who was also giggling.

"Enough!!" Sensei's shout silenced the class, then she turned her eyes on me. "Go back to your seat now."


"Now then, since Kageyama can't answer this question, Kitamura, you come here and answer!"

"Wha—? So lame..." The guy called Kitamura complained.

I went back to my seat, and saw Sakurai-san giggle when she looked at me.

I wrote a note on a paper, and then gave it to her.

'What's so funny?'

She took her pen and wrote down a reply.

'Your answer, and your reaction.'

'What's so funny about my answer and my reaction?'

'Oh, gosh Kageyama-kun! I mean you answered 'spiked' while looking so innocent, that's really cute you know.'

C-C-C-Cute??? I blushed, and turned my head out to the window. What the hell?


"Oh, Kageyama you're here." Sugawara-san approached me. "Why did you skip today's morning practice?"

"I'm sorry, I slept in." I bluntly answered with a straight face.

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