Chapter Two - Stage Fright

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I sat there in shock for a moment, trying to process exactly what had just happened. Evan Jackson looked as smug as can be as he stood there, arm still outstretched in my direction.

"Problem?" He mused. "You say you don't expect anything for free and yet, you are someone I, the CEO never actually interviewed to hire."

"Fine." I replied standing up. "Nice to meet you Mr Jackson, I am Alice Donovan."

I placed my hand in his and shook it, I waited for him to sit down before I did.

"Let's start with something easy, can you tell me why you want to work here?" He leaned back in his chair, bringing his hands together he gazed at me with judgement in his eyes.

"For most this is just LA's premier talent agency, working here is like a step in the door to whatever dreams you have. I know the history behind this place, my birth mother has shared the stories many times, including the one belonging to your parents. I want to work here because I feel lost in my own skin,I don't know what I want to do, but since the story began here, I figure it's a perfect starting off point."

Evan's brow narrowed he tilted his head and sat forward.

"There isn't much room in this business for sentiment." Evan replied finally. "We've been the top talent agency for over 50 years. We find the best of the best. Dreaming of some story that started here half a century ago is flaky at best."

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"You're entitled to think that Mr. Jackson, but the fact remains I came here to connect with a piece of me I've felt was missing, so that I can hopefully find my way."

He sat back again and folded his arms across his chest.

"That brings us to my next question... What ambitions do you have, where do you see yourself in five years?"

I hated to admit, but he had me there. There was a reason I hadn't gone to college, that for the past two years I'd been helping Jackson unpaid. The truth was, like many in my family, my ambitions had once been clear. I loved music, I was even pretty good at it, but my severe case of stage fright brought on by a trauma I'd learned to forget happened, I couldn't even stand on a stage anymore without having a full on panic attack.

"That's what I'm trying to find. Plan A failed for me, I need to find a plan B and honestly, I hope in five years I've found it and that I'm happy."

Evan half smiled and bit his lip. "You don't sugarcoat anything do you? You're not even trying to impress me. You're honest."

I shrugged. "I tell it like it is." most of the time.

"Fine. You're still hired. Fact remains is that you don't exactly have any qualifications, and the job that started the whole patchwork family. Sarah's job... is now done by a computer. Most of the jobs in this place are corporate high level jobs. Even the receptionist has a degree."

I'd never felt more stupid in my life, which in itself was stupid. Going to college, or not going to college didn't mean I was dumb. I knew I wasn't dumb, a bunch of letters after my name proclaiming things I'd studied would be great and all... but I didn't need them.

"Sorry I'm not educated." I almost laughed. "I assure you, I'm not idiot though."

Evan stood up and walked to a set of cabinets, he opened them and pulled out a file.

"I never said you were. In fact, I can tell you're pretty on to it. Which is why I probably feel a little better about having you here. I have a PA already, but she gets a little snowed under from everything I have her do for me, so basically you're role is to be my PA's lackey."

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