Chapter 1: How It All Happened

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This is the story of how I met a deranged, murderous video game character, and how shortly afterwards, my life changed for the better. Right now, in the story, I was sitting across from her as she smiled at me lovingly.

"I really like the sound of rain..." Monika's words appeared the bottom of my computer screen. "Not so much getting my clothes and hair wet, though. But a nice, quiet day at home with the sound of rainfall outside my window... It's one of the most calming experiences for me. Yeah... Sometimes I imagine you holding me while we listen to the sound of the rain outside. That's not to cheesy or anything, is it? Would you ever do that for me, Abe?" Let me back up. My name is Abe, the guy telling you this story you're reading right now. And this is the part of the story where my life is changed forever. Right off the bat.

It all started one Saturday night in the house I had bought from my parents, around one in the morning. I had just had my friends over to play through a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, and they'd brought pizza and Coca-Cola, most of which we finished in the opening thirty minutes. That night, I did my best to fall asleep, but the danged caffeine was making it very hard to. After about five hours of restless sleep, I just decided to forget it, so I put on my robe and walked downstairs to my computer. I logged on, and started up my save file of Doki Doki Literature Club.

I was on the part where Monika, the main antagonist, had already deleted Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki, and now it was just her and I, together forever. Luckily, one of my friends had told me the way to beat her was to delete her herself. So I opened up her file, and moved it to the trash. (Looking back on it, I suppose I could've just right-clicked her file, and then selected delete, but I misunderstood what my friend had told me.)

I have no idea what caused the rest of the story to happen, but if I had to guess, I must've dozed off for a second, because my hand slipped, and I accidentally put her file in the application for my 3D printer. I had gotten that for my birthday a couple years ago, but hadn't used it for several months. Monika's file loaded in the printing machine, but I didn't think it was a big deal. She was a video game character, after all. It's not like she would actually print. Unconcerned, I turned back to Doki Doki, then stopped in surprise. Monika was not onscreen anymore. Feeling a little uneasy, I wondered if maybe this was part of the game, and Monika was going to jump out and scare me, a la Five Nights At Freddy's. So I clicked my mouse a couple times, but nothing happened. I closed the game and opened it up to my last save, but she wasn't in that one, either.

"What the-" I said out loud. This game had never made me nervous before, but I was scared out of my wits now. Something was seriously wrong, now. As I started to sweat, wondering if maybe a hard reset would fix everything, there was a loud thump behind me. I don't know what you would've done if you were in my shoes, but I jumped so high I had enough time to identify the paint color of my ceiling. However, I dismissed the noise as one of my neighbors returning from an overnight trip, and prepared to reset the game.

"Hi!" said a voice behind me. I'd like to say what came out of my mouth was a manly roar of strength and heroism, but sadly, it was more of a shrill shriek. Eyes shut tight, I turned around swinging with the first punch that came to mind, a huge, John Wayne-style haymaker, and felt my fist collide against something solid. My eyes snapped open. My 3D printer was flashing something. I narrowed my eyes, and found that it read, "print successful". My eyes widened.

"Uh-oh," I said, then looked down at my feet and jumped again. My eyes couldn't see very well in the dark, but the thing at my feet was humanoid, with long auburn hair tied back into a ponytail with a bow. Sure enough, down on the ground, sprawled out unconscious, was Monika.

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