Chapter 6: The M.I.B.s (Minions in Black)

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As I was on the couch, I turned on the TV to act as a light. However, as I was beginning to doze off, it suddenly shut off. My TV had never done that before, so I grabbed a flashlight, and went to get Monika, because there's safety in numbers, and moreover, I was scared, and wanted company. She was still awake, too, most likely still recovering from almost being abducted.

"What happened to the lights?" she asked nervously. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know," I confessed. "The power's never done this before." She took hold of my hand, and we both walked back downstairs. I shined my light around the living room, but didn't see anything or anyone causing problems. "Well, nobody's in the house," I said to Monika. But I was wrong.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed my arm, and yanked me out into the living room! Monika screamed as a second set of arms pulled me up to my feet, while the first launched a punch into my face. Let me tell you, nothing makes me more angry then getting physically hurt by another human for no good reason. I kicked out with both feet, and felt them collide against something solid, which grunted in pain. Me and whatever was holding onto me toppled to the ground. I felt its grip loosen, so I rolled off it before it could get ahold of me again. Monika grabbed the flashlight, which had fallen on the floor, and shined it on me, revealing my attackers.

There were two of them, both men dressed in black, their faces uncovered. Both of their bald heads stared at me blankly. I didn't recognize either of them, but I had a feeling these were the same guys who jumped Monika. They didn't look too thrilled that her "boyfriend" was standing in their way this time, because one of them suddenly launched a heavy swing right at my head. I blocked it with my elbow, then planted a kick to his stomach. As he doubled over, the second rammed into me with a tackle. We rolled around on the ground, and the man elbowed me in the collar, then got up and attempted to stomp on me. I rolled into his legs though, and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs. I could've sworn I heard a cracking noise, but before I could figure out why the first guy was on top of me again, and I had to quickly block a knee.

"You can do it, Abe! Kick their butts!" Monika called to me, as the man planted his fist in my guts. I gritted my teeth. Monica may be the main antagonist of Doki Doki Literature Club, but in real life, she was just an ordinary young woman. Now she was counting on me to help her, and I wasn't going to let her down. Though the men in black were making it pretty hard by fighting me. The man that hadn't fallen down the stairs kicked me in the face, and knocked me onto my iPod speaker, which coincidentally started blasting "Shake, Rattle, and Roll." He followed up with another punch, which I blocked with the palm of my hand. I used this opportunity to throw an uppercut solidly against his jaw. Before he could recover, I pulled back my fist and sent another punch flying into his face. And then, no joke, my fist went the man's through the man's chest.

"Holy crap!" I cried, as Monika screamed again louder. I've done some pretty gross things in my life, but skewering a man with my bare hands was a new one. Then I noticed something strange. The man's bodily fluid was cold, and I didn't feel any insides or anything in him. Just something cold and metal in his center. I pulled my hand out of him, and he immediately attacked me again. We stumbled along the floor, punching and kicking. Eventually, I decided to forget about sportsmanship, and stuck my hand back inside him. I felt what seemed like wires. I grabbed a handful and tugged. Immediately, the man spazzed out and went limp. I shoved him to the floor, and he shattered like glass.

"Look out!" Monika suddenly shouted. I turned as the second man approached, my wood chopping axe in hand. I swore. I should've brought that with me, but I neglected to, and now he had it. His face was cracked, making him look like a broken porcelain doll. He rushed forward and swung the weapon heavily, and slamming it into the banister. As he started to wretch it free, I turned to Monika.

"Quick! Throw me the flashlight!" I ordered her. She obeyed, and I caught it just as my attacker wretched the axe loose. He came in for a downward swing, so I rolled out of the way, and struck him in the face with the flashlight. The cracked part shattered, but even with half his face an empty hole, except for a glowing yellow light, he just dropped the axe in surprise, then recovered and punched me. I stumbled back, but dived forward and grabbed the woodcutting utensil. As the broken man came forward again, the butt of the axe met his crotch, then the blade slammed into his chest. The man fell backwards and broke, just like the first. "Well, I'm sure glad that's over with," I said, more to myself than to Monika. Then I sat down heavily, tired and hurt.

Early that next morning, we brought the bodies of the two men to the police station, trying to figure out what the heck they were and where they came from. The police examined the corpses, and then one of the coroners came and spoke to us.

"This is very strange," he started. "But the two men that attacked you are actually animatronic endoskeletons, filled with ink and covered in a plastic polymer."

"So they're like the synths from Fallout 4, filled with inky blood?" Monika asked. (I had no idea how she knew that at first, but then it dawned on me she had been given permission to use all my devices, including the PlayStation 4, and had a lot more free time on her hands.)

"It certainly seems that way, though why they attacked you two, we can't tell."

"So, what happens now?" I asked the police.

"We'll have an officer parked on the street, keeping an eye out tonight," the captain reassured us. "As for the bodies, since these guys are robots, and attacked you first, any charges against you have been thrown out the window."


Around lunchtime, Monika and I had almost finished cleaning up all the shattered plastic from the fight. As she was sweeping a couple shards out from under the table, Monika discovered something.

"Hey, what's this?" she asked, handing me a pamphlet. I examined it, and my eyes widened. It was a "Vote for Craig" pamphlet that he'd been handing out from two days ago. When I told Monika this, she got nervous. "You said Craig had some bad ideas," she pointed out to me. "Could those two ink synths be his creations?"

"No way," I reassured Monika. "Craig wouldn't have the resources to mass produce synthetic life forms. I said this to calm her down, but even as I said this, I knew I wasn't expecting to have the machinery necessary to create her, and yet now here we are. In my head, two ideas were circling: The fact they had a Vote for Craig pamphlet couldn't be coincidence, and we could probably expect more of them soon.

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